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Letter from Europe
« on: May 01, 2024, 07:51:32 pm »

Letter from Europe
By Jeffrey A. Tucker

NOTE: when reading at the Epoch Times, use your browser's "reader mode", or, disable javascript using a free add-on or extension

Never before in world history has a single policy, rooted in nothing but preposterous antics and cruel dystopias imposed by force, so quickly taken over the entire planet Earth. This happened in 2020 with the futile attempt to contain a coronavirus that leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Inspired by the evil example deployed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Wuhan itself, the entire world (with only a few exceptions) attempted universal quarantines and central planning that utterly wrecked the world economy and demoralized citizens planetwide.

In the UK, Commonwealth countries around the world, the United States, and throughout Europe, the slogans and rituals were the same. We are all in this together. Track, trace, isolate. Six feet of distance. No gatherings. No singing. One-way aisles. Stay home, stay safe, use Zoom. Mask up. PCR exams that could not tell the presence of a virus from actual sickness. Known therapeutics pulled from shelves.

No government had ever previously attempted anything on this scale, much less all governments at once.
Perhaps this is not surprising, but the experiences on both sides of the Atlantic are nearly identical. All the above were confirmed in all countries but so has been the lockstep of the major media along with the aggressive censorship of social media and tech. Professors have been hounded out of their departments. Medical doctors have had their licenses revoked.

Broadcasters have been deleted from YouTube. Top professionals have lost their LinkedIn accounts. Dissenters have been smeared with ruthless cruelty.

It’s hard to say whether the crackdown in the United States or in Europe was more extreme because it has been so arbitrary and brutal in all countries. And much depended on the degree of sadism from local authorities.
The Europeans with whom we spoke are far less naive than the Americans. They have long experience with evil planting itself in the seat of power and seeking to profit in a parasitical relationship to the population. There was nothing particularly surprising about this to them. What is exciting today is the growth of the resistance movement, which comes in many forms today and is growing very quickly.

I left with a real sense of optimism about what is possible. The ruling class has gone way too far with its dreams of universal health passports, surveillance, lockdowns, and a permanent disregard of the interests of the people. They have been exposed as never before and plenty of people are very upset about what they are seeing.

We now know the game and the goal in ways we did not five years ago. That’s progress. The delusions of a Europe united and controlled from the center have been exposed and continue to unravel. As for the United States, Europeans watch in amazement as the once-grandiose institution of the Presidency is replaced by a dementia patient whose last remaining life skill is the ability to read a teleprompter. We are one step away from being governed by a hologram.

How exactly the scenario unfolds from here on out is the mystery. Just as global lockdowns are without precedent, so too are the global movements of opposition that have grown up in their wake. No more can the elites merely mouth cliches about climate change and disinformation and expect people just to go along. We have a very long way to go in these efforts but what we are seeing thus far is extremely encouraging.

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