I determined myself to be on every government watch list there is long ago. I don't like it one bit but I'm sure it's true. The sheriff of this county is a good friend.
I reckon I am on a few lists, not because I have any intent of initiating hostilities against the Republic I hope to help salvage through nonviolent means, but because I believe in the Constitution as a superior framework for Government, and stridently object to the government violating that compact through action or inaction.
If those entrusted with guarding (protecting and defending) that compact refuse to do so, we have a problem that, hopefully can be rectified without resorting to martial unpleasantness.
If not, then what will be will be, but any such conflict would be devastating to this Republic, the equivalent of 'burning the village to save it'.
It has risen from its own ashes before, but for the losing side, and, indeed for all, the recovery was slow, indeed. Now, we live in a fast-paced world with international adversaries who might exploit our state of weakness from any internal conflict, to the detriment of dependent allies and perhaps the Republic itself.
There are those factions which would wholly subjugate themselves to such predatory foreign powers for the power of becoming vassals over the remnants, without regard for the effects of ceding control to that power, and to the detriment (destruction of) the Republic they wanted to control. In some effect, they likely already have obligated themselves to those powers.
If that should come to pass, I will oppose it with every fiber of my being, in any way possible.