Author Topic: Unions still trap teachers — 5 years after Supremes said they can’t  (Read 158 times)

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Unions still trap teachers — 5 years after Supremes said they can’t

By Noelani Kahapea
June 26, 2023

Five years ago Tuesday, the Supreme Court reaffirmed every teacher’s First Amendment right to make their own decision on union membership in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

Yet they’re still finding themselves trapped in their unions. They need to demand changes from their lawmakers to ensure their rights.

The Janus ruling gave all public employees the right to opt out of their unions and stop paying dues.

But unions don’t want to lose those dues, so they try to keep members from quitting.

Teachers unions have made themselves among the hardest to quit.

How do they lock in members, despite the court ruling?

While they technically can’t stop members from opting out, many unions place onerous restrictions on the process, making it extremely difficult to end membership.

Meanwhile, teachers who want to opt out are forced to pay hundreds of dollars in dues to an organization they don’t want to support.

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