Author Topic: Obama's Porkulus: A Slush Fund and Money Laundering Operation  (Read 2246 times)

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Obama's Porkulus: A Slush Fund and Money Laundering Operation
May 16, 2011


RUSH: Tim Conley and Bill Dupor (I'm not sure how you pronounce it) have a new paper -- Harvard economists -- on "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." That's the Porkulus bill. Here's what they say: "Our benchmark results suggest that the [Porkulus bill] created/saved approximately 450 thousand state and local government jobs and destroyed/forestalled roughly one million private sector jobs. State and local government jobs were saved because [Porkulus] funds were largely used to offset state revenue shortfalls and Medicaid increases rather than boost private sector employment.

"The majority of destroyed/forestalled jobs were in growth industries including health, education, professional and business services." Wait, now, I'm not sure these two guys want... I'm not sure one of them is Harvard. I know that Greg Mankiw, M-a-n-k-i-w, who is writing about it, is a respected Harvard economics professor. Regardless, El Rushbo was right again, and let me remind you what this really was: It was a money-laundering operation, as is all of public sector union employment. It's a money laundering operation. So the stimulus bill has now been confirmed by academics who have studied it, who have traced it.

They followed the money, and they found out that with that almost one trillion dollars -- we're talking $787 billion, almost a trillion dollars -- the whole point was to maintain public sector employment; private sector jobs were lost. Roughly one million. Now, remember, the Porkulus bill was created and it was sold under the auspices of creating private sector jobs -- reviving hiring, reviving employment. It was supposed to help us out of the recession. Nothing more than a slush fund. Now, the money laundering aspect of it is quite simple, and this became paramountly obvious to me in the Wisconsin battle. I wish it had struck me years ago because it's been a money laundering operation for decades.

Citizens pay taxes.

That tax revenue goes to the states.

The states take the money and hire people who work in the state government, local governments as well.

So taxpayer revenue is used to hire sate workers, who are always unionized. Those state workers (who are unionized) must pay union dues. In many states, the deduction of dues is automatic. The employee does not write a check. It's simply deducted from his state payroll check or deposit. So when a public sector employee pays union dues, where does that money end up? A portion of it ends up somewhere in the giant Democrat Party nationwide, statewide campaign apparatus. So private citizens, in Wisconsin and elsewhere, end up donating to the Democrat Party via state and public workers. It's a money laundering operation, and that's what the Porkulus bill was. It was to make sure that during the recession, state workers did not lose their jobs so that Democrats did not lose their campaign money. Pure and simple, that's it.

RUSH: Sarasota, Florida, Dean, welcome to the EIB Network.  Great to have you here.

CALLER:  Hey, how you doing, Rush?

RUSH:  Very good, sir.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Hey, thanks for taking my call.  You know, I've been a longtime listener, and I agree with you most of the time, but you told the people something that's just not actually correct, and I was kind of wanting to correct you on that, if I could.  You continually stated that state workers are all unionized, and here in Florida, it's just not true.  We only are not unionized, but our pay doesn't even come close to what people in the private sector get for the same type jobs that we do.

RUSH:  Well, now, you have to tell the police and the firemen here in Palm Beach that 'cause they're unionized.

CALLER:  No, sir, I'm speaking about the Department of Transportation personally.  I don't know anything --

RUSH:  Well, you said not everybody.

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  There are unionized --

CALLER:  There are some, yes.

RUSH:  Okay, let me change it this way.  Where there are unionized state workers, their existing is to further a money laundering operation so that a portion of what they earn, paid by taxpayers, ends up as campaign donations to the Democrat Party.

CALLER:  And that is absolutely probably correct.

RUSH:  Well, then we've come to a common ground here.

CALLER:  Yes, sir, we have.  But the thing is, you know, you keep lumping us in with some of these other people that, you know, we're just not unionized, and we're not getting the benefits and the things that these people apparently must be receiving, and I just think it's kind of, you know, just wanting to set the record straight and let everybody know that that is just not the case.

RUSH:  Are you sad about this?  Would you prefer to be unionized?

CALLER:  No, sir.

RUSH:  Okay.  So you don't want to rape fellow citizens?

CALLER:  No.  I just want a fair day's work for a fair day's pay.

RUSH:  Yeah.  Well, me, too.  Me, too.

CALLER:  Okay.  Well, you know, other than that, I mean what it's done, though, is it's shined a light on us to make us look like the bad guy, and actually here in Florida we're due to get about a 3% cut in pay here with this new budget that's come out.

RUSH:  All right, Dean, thanks for the call.

CALLER:  Thank you, sir.

RUSH:  I appreciate it.  See how agreeable we can be?  This how Newt and Ryan ought to do it. 


RUSH:  All right, from what I can tell -- and this is a cursory search, you understand, in a limited amount of time -- it does seem like the Florida Department of Transportation was unionized up until 2009.  The Florida legislature did away with the union as of 2009, but that's fairly recent, past couple years.

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