Author Topic: “Men Are Men”: Norwegian Artist Facing Criminal Charges, Potential Prison Sentence Over Gender Comme  (Read 550 times)

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“Men Are Men”: Norwegian Artist Facing Criminal Charges, Potential Prison Sentence Over Gender Comments
By Genevieve Gluck
December 13, 2022

A woman in Norway is facing criminal charges and a possible prison sentence of up to three years for stating that men can not be lesbians. Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian artist, was notified on November 17 that she was under police investigation for hate speech over a statement she posted to Facebook.

In her post, Gjevjon railed against trans-identified males who call themselves “lesbians,” and condemned trans activists who seek to criminalize women who oppose gender ideology.

“It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant,” Gjevjon wrote, “Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes.” ...

“I have stated that women are female, that lesbians do not have penises, that children should not be responsible for decisions they do not have the capacity to understand the scope of, and that no-platforming is harmful to democracy. For these opinions I have been canceled several times,” Gjevjon wrote in Klassekampen.
Tonje Gjevjon is being investigated for a crime of hate speech over criticisms of gender ideology

She went on to note that, after more than 15 years of participating in Norway’s art and music scene, she had never received such censorship until she began criticizing the belief that a man can identify as a woman. ...
Full story at Reduxx

Gjevjon (yes, a lesbian herself)

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We live in stupid times.  *****rollingeyes*****

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 Published December 14, 2022 11:00am EST
Norwegian filmmaker faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians
Tonje Gjevjon is a lesbian filmmaker who intentionally made the comment to criticize Norway's hate speech laws
By Nikolas Lanum | Fox News
A woman in Norway is facing up to three years in prison on criminal hate-speech charges after saying that a man cannot become a lesbian. 

Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian filmmaker and actress, was informed on Nov. 17 that she was under investigation for speaking out against prominent Norwegian activist Christine Jentoft on Facebook. Jentoft is a transgender female that often refers to herself as a lesbian mother.

Jentoft previously accused another woman, Christina Ellingsen, of transphobia for a similar claim. Ellingsen is also under investigation and faces three years in jail if found guilty. 

The post on Gjevjon’s Facebook page under investigation read, "It’s just as impossible for men to become a lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes." ...
Rest of story at FOX
We're reaching maximum insanity.

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We live in stupid times.  *****rollingeyes*****

Yes but Norway, and Europe in general, does not have free speech protections under a First Amendment like we do
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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This is the thinking of woke Marxists. Any dissent with their doctrine and catechism is hate speech and terrorism.

Spawn of Stalin indeed.
The Republic is lost.

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Yes but Norway, and Europe in general, does not have free speech protections under a First Amendment like we do

Give it time. I think we saw a small taste on Twiitter, FB, etc.

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Published December 14, 2022 11:00am EST
Norwegian filmmaker faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians
Tonje Gjevjon is a lesbian filmmaker who intentionally made the comment to criticize Norway's hate speech laws
By Nikolas Lanum | Fox NewsRest of story at FOX
We're reaching maximum insanity.
Heck no!  We are just getting started!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2022, 10:09:36 pm by mrpotatohead »