Author Topic: Rod Dreher: Colorado Springs & The Left’s Blood Libel  (Read 167 times)

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Rod Dreher: Colorado Springs & The Left’s Blood Libel
« on: November 23, 2022, 01:55:37 pm »
Colorado Springs & The Left’s Blood Libel

Court filings show the mass shooter identifies as non-binary. But the media and other left-wing figures have already blamed conservatives

Rod Dreher
Nov 23, 2022

Today The New York Times reports that the "Evangelical Vatican" (their words) that is Colorado Springs makes gays feel unsafe in the wake of the gay club massacre:

This community pressed up against the Rockies was known for years as the Vatican of Evangelicals — a home base for a well-funded, well-organized conservative Christian political movement that broadcast dire warnings about the dangers of homosexuality to the nation, and in the early 1990s was instrumental in making Colorado the only state to ever pass a law making it legal to discriminate against people based on sexual orientation.

That was a long time ago, before Colorado Springs nearly doubled in size, outsiders made the city an increasingly diverse place and the community began hosting a yearly Pride parade officially sanctioned by the Republican mayor. Many in Colorado Springs believed the community had moved on.

But last weekend when a gunman stormed into Club Q, one of the city’s few L.G.B.T.Q. clubs, killing five people and injuring 18 others, many members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community and their supporters found reason to question whether Colorado Springs had made as much progress as they thought — especially in an increasingly armed nation awash in extremist views.

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Yep, it's the fault of Christians, and conservatives from coast to coast. All right-thinking people know that. Nancy Pelosi said so:

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Daily Kos said so, in a piece it retracted after hearing from Matt Walsh's lawyer:

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Well, well, well, in a tweet that a NYT reporter posted a short time ago (there's nothing in the paper about this as I write this post):

In other words, Anderson Aldrich is a self-identified queer man. We saw in earlier footage of the time last year that the SWAT team responded to the home he shared with his mother, when he threatened to blow it up, that he was a volatile lunatic. This information was widely available days ago. And yet -- and yet! -- the media and prominent liberal voices did not wait for more information to come out. This fit their narrative of a deranged conservative massacring gay people, no doubt urged on by Libs of Tiktok, Matt Walsh, Tucker Carlson, and other conservative figures who dare to question the accepted LGBT narrative. It's a replay of the Jussie Smollett hoax, in which the usual suspects accepted without question the absurd story that poor, poor black Jussie was victimized by "MAGA Country" domestic terrorists.

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