Author Topic: FOX News Media will air its third annual "All-American Tree Lighting" on Monday during "The Five."  (Read 230 times)

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FOX News Media will air its third annual "All-American Tree Lighting" on Monday during "The Five."

"The Five" co-hosts Greg Gutfeld, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Dana Perino, Jessica Tarlov and Jesse Watters will head outside the network’s New York City headquarters to FOX Square during the second half of the program to kick off the Christmas season in front of a live audience.

"It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas out there on Fox Square," Perino said to kick off the show.

FOX’s All-American Christmas tree, which will once again feature a patriotic theme of red, white and blue decorations, is 50 feet tall and will be decorated with 12,000 ornaments and 340,000 lights..........
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