Author Topic: Ron DeSantis, other Florida officials hit with class action lawsuit by migrants flown to Massachuset  (Read 598 times)

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Ron DeSantis, other Florida officials hit with class action lawsuit by migrants flown to Massachusetts

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials are facing a class action lawsuit filed by migrants who were flown to Massachusetts last week.

The case, filed in the District of Massachusetts Tuesday, names the State of Florida, the Department of Transportation, its secretary, Jared W. Perdue, as well as the governor – both in their official and personal capacities.

The lawsuit alleges that DeSantis and his others "designed and executed a premediated, fraudulent, and illegal scheme centered on exploiting this vulnerability for the sole purpose of advancing their own personal, financial and political interests."

The lawsuit alleges that unidentified "Doe Defendants," collaborating with the named defendants, identified and targeted class members by "trolling streets outside of a migrant shelter in Texas and other similar locales, pretending to be good Samaritans offering humanitarian assistance."

Fox News has reached out to DeSantis’ office.

DeSantis sent two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard from Texas last Wednesday as part of his pledge to drop off illegal immigrants in liberal states. Martha’s Vineyard is famously known as a playground of rich progressives, including former President Obama, who bought a multimillion-dollar house there in 2019.

DeSantis proposed Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard as a destination for such migrants, but his office explained at the time that they could also be sent "to other 'progressive' states whose governors endorse blatant violations of federal immigration law."

DeSantis' office later said the migrants had been given more options to succeed in Massachusetts.

"Immigrants have been more than willing to leave Bexar County after being abandoned, homeless, and 'left to fend for themselves,'" DeSantis spokesperson Taryn Fenske said. "Florida gave them an opportunity to seek greener pastures in a sanctuary jurisdiction that offered greater resources for them, as we expected.".........
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