Author Topic: Texas Counties Act to Declare Crisis on Southern Border  (Read 289 times)

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Texas Counties Act to Declare Crisis on Southern Border
« on: July 06, 2022, 11:44:14 am »
Texas Scorecard by Brandon Waltens  July 5, 2022

Eyes are on Gov. Greg Abbott as border counties begin to declare the crisis at the southern border an invasion.

In light of the surge of illegal immigration on the border since President Joe Biden took office last year, citizens have increasingly called for border states to fill in the gap created by his lax policies.

Since courts have generally disallowed states from enforcing immigration law, one of the most prominent solutions proposed now is to declare an invasion at the border.

Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution allows for states to repel an invasion themselves by utilizing their state guards. Declaring an invasion would also allow for governors to enter into an interstate compact to secure the border.

While Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has yet to take that action, several Texas counties that have experienced the brutal reality of open borders are making moves of their own.

On Tuesday, representatives from several counties gathered in Brackettville, the county seat of Kinney County where local law enforcement documented more than 4,000 illegal aliens who avoided apprehension by U.S. Border Patrol in May of 2022 alone. (Texas Scorecard live-streamed the event. Watch the video here or at the end of this article.)

Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan put the bulk of the blame on the Biden administration.

“America doesn’t know what’s happening here. And we’re here to try to change that,” said Shahan while highlighting that county law enforcement prevented more than 67 smuggling attempts just last month.

“We don’t want to lose America. The Biden administration won’t do a thing to stop this. They could stop it now. They don’t have the guts, but they have a plan. Their plan is to keep bringing them in with open borders. If we keep our open borders, we’re not going to have a nation.”
