Author Topic: Water and Blood in the Golden State  (Read 91 times)

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Water and Blood in the Golden State
« on: April 28, 2022, 06:04:30 pm »
Water and Blood in the Golden State

Parched citizens and privileged criminal illegal aliens are California’s model for the country.

By Lloyd Billingsley
April 27, 2022

Anew California Coastal Commission staff report rejects approval of the Poseidon Water desalination plant in Huntington Beach, the California Globe reports, “potentially depriving Southern California of a major future source of fresh water.”

Arid California desperately needs new water sources, but the people don’t get to make this call. Neither do their elected representatives. The California Coastal Commission decides, and there is a backstory here people everywhere should know.

The Santa Barbara oil spill in January 1969 prompted environmental activist Peter Douglas to author the 1972 Proposition 20, which created a temporary 15-member commission to devise policies aimed at protecting coastal ecosystems. Douglas went on to author the California Coastal Act of 1976, which made the commission permanent.

The following year, Douglas became deputy director of the agency he had conceived and in 1985 became the California Coastal Commission’s executive director. His reign lasted more than 25 years and Douglas and his fellow commissioners never once had to face the voters.

The unelected commission overrode scores of elected city and county governments on land-use issues. Douglas ran roughshod over property rights, and on his watch, the CCC combined regulatory zealotry with high-level corruption. Commissioner Mark Nathanson, for example, extorted payments from Hollywood celebrities and others seeking coastal building permits.

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False-documented illegal David Mora, protected from immigration authorities by state law, murdered his three daughters and their adult chaperone. That prompted Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin), to author Assembly Bill 1708, to repeal the state’s sanctuary law, fatuously titled the California Values Act.

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Thousands of police officers and community members showed up for Singh’s funeral but governor-elect Gavin Newsom was a no-show and failed even to condemn the murder as “gun violence.” California protects illegal aliens, even the criminals among them, for a reason.

When illegals get their driver’s licenses, the Department of Motor Vehicles automatically registers them to vote. The “motor voter” program has produced more than 1 million “new” voters. State Democrats reward the illegal voters with in-state tuition, health care, and other benefits.

An imported electorate needs permanent protection from deportation. For Democrats, the murder of police officers and innocent children is an acceptable tradeoff. On the other hand, when it comes to the basic need of water, environmental trade-offs are not acceptable. Californians who need the water have no say in the matter.

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