Author Topic: Apple’s Earth Day Initiative Demonizes Carbon-Free Nuclear Power  (Read 63 times)

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Apple’s Earth Day Initiative Demonizes Carbon-Free Nuclear Power

APRIL 15, 2022

Apple launched its 2022 Earth Day initiative Thursday with $1 for every Apple Pay transaction until the environmental holiday on April 22 donated to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an explicitly anti-nuclear group.

“WWF has a vision for the future which phases out the use of fossil fuel and nuclear in the
share of energy use across the globe,” reads a 2003 position paper from the non-profit outlining a stance maintained nearly 20 years later.

The WWF promotion was highlighted by energy author Alex Epstein on Twitter as merely the latest example of Apple promoting an anti-nuclear agenda. The company deceptively promotes its operations as run entirely on renewable energy, which excludes nuclear power, with the purchase of green credits from other consumers on local power grids to provide a cover for its use of reliable coal and natural gas.

Green pursuit of a low-carbon future absent the introduction of more nuclear power on existing grids is nothing but a fantasy. Today nuclear power generates nearly 20 percent of U.S. electricity and more than half the nation’s carbon-free energy from 93 reactors, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). In contrast, the Department of Energy reports wind and solar produce 12 percent. While nuclear reactors maintain the ability to produce stable output, solar panels and wind turbines are dependent on weather.

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