Author Topic: New York’s Anti-White Triage Policy  (Read 105 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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New York’s Anti-White Triage Policy
« on: January 16, 2022, 06:20:23 pm »
New York’s Anti-White Triage Policy

A careful review of New York's triage guidance suggests Tucker Carlson fairly characterized the state's race-conscious policy and its effects.


JANUARY 12, 2022

On Monday, Tucker Carlson ran a segment on the spate of new state-level triage policies that ration access to COVID-19 treatments based on race. First reported by the Washington Free Beacon‘s Aaron Sibarium, New York, Utah, and Minnesota each have triage policies that give racial minorities priority access to Covid therapeutics. From Sibarium’s report:

In New York, racial minorities are automatically eligible for scarce COVID-19 therapeutics, regardless of age or underlying conditions. In Utah, “Latinx ethnicity” counts for more points than “congestive heart failure” in a patient’s “COVID-19 risk score”—the state’s framework for allocating monoclonal antibodies. And in Minnesota, health officials have devised their own “ethical framework” that prioritizes black 18-year-olds over white 64-year-olds—even though the latter are at much higher risk of severe disease.

Carlson referenced Sibarium’s reporting and proposed the following hypothetical:

A young Haitian man could cross our border illegally today—many have. That person could show up at a clinic in New York tomorrow for COVID treatment and get preference over an elderly American citizen purely because of his appearance.

Journalists and activists were incensed—not at the state for having enacted the policy, but at Carlson for having drawn attention to it. The New York Times‘s Nikole Hannah-Jones said Carlson’s hypothetical was “nonsense” and a form of “white nationalism.” Huffington Post writer Christopher Mathias argued Carlson’s segment was “basically indistinguishable from the Daily Stormer, just straight-up white nationalist garbage.” Janai Nelson, Associate Director-Counsel of the NAACP’s Legal Defense & Educational Fund, called Carlson’s remarks “deeply dangerous and racist propaganda” and “intentional and blatant lies intended to incite and victimize white people and demonize people of color.”

Nelson and others accused Carlson of lying about the policy and its implications, but a careful review of New York’s triage guidance suggests he fairly characterized the state’s policy and its effects.

*  *  *

In a statement to The American Conservative, the New York Department of Public Health confirmed that age is only considered a qualifying risk factor in New York for individuals aged 65 and older—meaning a white 64-year-old would not, on the basis of his age, be eligible to receive oral antiviral treatment for Covid, while an otherwise-healthy 18-year-old Haitian immigrant would.

*  *  *

According to CDC data, people aged 50-64 are four times more likely to be hospitalized with, and 25 times more likely to die from, Covid-19 than people aged 18-29. If Carlson’s critics believe people in the former group should be denied access to oral therapeutics solely on the basis of their race, they should say so. It is always good to know where people stand.


Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: New York’s Anti-White Triage Policy
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2022, 02:05:10 am »
President Trump Talking About The WSJ's Reporting On The Anti-White Discrimination Of Covid Treatment at last night's rally (Video)