Author Topic: What's Missing from US Missile Defense? Pentagon Aims to Find Out  (Read 85 times)

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 What's Missing from US Missile Defense? Pentagon Aims to Find Out

As part of its efforts to integrate weapons across the services, the office of the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs will look anew at missile defense plans.
By Patrick Tucker
Technology Editor
August 11, 2021

What’s missing from the U.S. military’s missile defense is a sense of how to build and integrate missile defense tools and capabilities across the services, Gen. John Hyten, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday.

The military services are doing “the best they can” to make sure they are prepared to defend against all manner of incoming missiles and similar threats but, in the era of advanced hypersonics and new drones, that’ s not good enough. The Joint Requirements Oversight Council, or JROC, which is headed by Hyten and other service vice chiefs, has set the goal of integrating those efforts as its next major priority.

 “Go out and read the current requirements from the Joint Requirements Oversight Council for integrated air and missile defense, and actually look at the portfolio of integrated air and missile defense and see where the JROC has identified gaps and capabilities from looking at integrated air and missile defense. You'll find out that we have not,” done any work to identify them, Hyten told the audience at the Space and Missile Defense Symposium in Huntsville, Alabama.