Author Topic: Far-Left County District Attorney Is Discarding 735 Percent More Felony Cases  (Read 230 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Texas Scorecard by Jacob Asmussen July 28, 2021

The DA is allowing many criminal suspects to go back on the streets without even seeing a judge.

AUSTIN — Recently elected Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza is again raising many questions with his version of “justice” by allowing a flood of criminal suspects back onto the streets in Texas’ capital city.

According to a report this week by local station KVUE, Garza, after implementing a new “early case review” policy earlier this year, has since rejected 142 felony cases.

By comparison, during the same time frame last year (March 1 to the end of June), the previous DA tossed only 17 felony cases.

Garza, a close political ally of socialist Austin City Council Member Greg Casar, is not pursuing suspects with charges including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated robbery, and more.

Additionally, 91 of the reviewed 142 thrown-out cases were never presented to a judge, meaning the suspects were released without even appearing in front of a magistrate.

KVUE asked the DA’s office for more details on 15 of the rejected felony offense cases, but Garza only provided specifics on one—in an assault of a pregnant woman, the DA downgraded the felony to a misdemeanor after prosecutors learned the woman was not actually with child.

As Austin’s Democrat local elected officials have enacted numerous harmful decisions throughout the last two years, the city’s violent crime and homicide rates have surged to record highs. Citizens and law enforcement officials are speaking out against Garza’s actions, saying he is part of enabling open lawlessness in the city.
