Author Topic: Advocates Admit Trump Refugee Level Likely for Remainder of FY2021, but…..  (Read 126 times)

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Advocates Admit Trump Refugee Level Likely for Remainder of FY2021, but…..
05/19/2021 ~ Ann Corcoran   

…..they expect Biden to be ready to roll with 125,000 impoverished third worlders moving to America permanently beginning on October first.

“It turned out there was even more damage done than we knew.”

(Having figured out their messaging on the mess they have made angering their friends, Sec. of State Blinken blames it on President Trump)


The Associated Press makes every effort to gloss over the recent controversy about the refugee ceiling that put Biden and his administration in the dog house with refugee resettlement industry “advocates.”
Biden and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken were at odds according to White House leakers. Blinken wanted to bring ’em in faster than Biden did.

They complain that the mean orange guy really screwed up the refugee program with demands for more robust vetting of refugees to weed out those with terror connections, or those lying about family members—a rampant form of fraud in refugee resettlement.  How dare he!