Author Topic: Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals  (Read 600 times)

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Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:11:59 pm »
Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals

Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.

During the 2020 election an “Open Letter from Senior Military Leaders” was signed by 317 retired Generals and Admirals and, it said the 2020 election could be the most important election since our country was founded. “With the Democrat Party welcoming Socialists and Marxists, our historic way of life is at stake.” Unfortunately, that statement’s truth was quickly revealed, beginning with the election process itself.

Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the “will of the people” our Constitutional Republic is lost. Election integrity demands insuring there is one legal vote cast and counted per citizen. Legal votes are identified by State Legislature’s approved controls using government IDs,verified signatures, etc.

Today, many are calling such commonsense controls “racist” in an attempt to avoid having fair and honest elections. Using racial terms to suppress proof of eligibility is itself a tyrannical intimidation tactic. Additionally, the “Rule of Law” must be enforced in our election processes to ensure integrity. The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020. Finally, H.R.1 & S.1, (if   passed), would destroy election fairness and allow Democrats to forever remain in power violating our Constitution and ending our Representative Republic.Aside from the election, the Current Administration has launched

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Re: Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2021, 08:40:40 pm »
Depending on how one counts, there are around ten destructive Marxist inspired problems listed.

Yet not one solution will come to pass without this last critical activity:

We urge all citizens to get involved now at the local, state and/or national level to elect political
representatives who will act to Save America, our Constitutional Republic, and hold those currently in
office accountable. The “will of the people” must be heard and followed.
Truth is against the stream of common thought, deep, subtle, difficult, delicate, unseen by passion’s slaves cloaked in the murk of ignorance. Vipassī Buddha