Author Topic: Time to Fight (No More Rallies, Stop talking and get to work)  (Read 174 times)

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Offline mountaineer

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Ned Ryun
American Greatness
A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. No more whining. Time for work.
Jan. 15, 2021
If you had any doubts about how much the swamp hates, loathes, fears, and despises Donald Trump, the fact that it has impeached him twice in roughly 13 months should remove all doubt. Mind you, neither of the impeachments has anything to do with facts. Both were about power and who wields it.

Neither had anything to do with the Constitution or the republic or the betterment of the American people. Oh, no. This was the deeply corrupt D.C. system we have let run rampant for far too long, flexing its muscle, giving the middle finger to the American working class and taxpayer, who, of course, funds the system that funds the swamp. It was a warning shot to the American working class and taxpayers to mind their betters: anyone who champions their cause will be dealt with in like manner.

This was entirely about setting the bar—warning any other American, any outsider who seeks even to try to restore the American republic or challenge the administrative state and ruling class—that there will be massive personal and financial costs for such activity. ...

In the aftermath of Impeachment Part Deux, there are those inside the GOP who think they’ve put the dirty peasants out to pasture along with their champion. It’s hard to comprehend such idiocy: only fools would alienate the base and think there won’t be consequences for the party. Every last Republican who voted for impeachment will be primaried. Not just the GOP establishment, but the D.C. establishment as a whole, needs to have the power they cling so tightly to ripped from their hands by the people they swore to serve. 

But a word to the America First base: it’s one thing to air your grievances. That time has passed. You had better get to work. A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. Stop bemoaning how the GOP has abused and abandoned you. Stop talking and get to work. No more rallies. No more moaning and groaning. Time to fight.
Read entire article at American Greatness
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Offline mikezpen

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Re: Time to Fight (No More Rallies, Stop talking and get to work)
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2021, 10:33:51 pm »
I couldn't agree more.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Time to Fight (No More Rallies, Stop talking and get to work)
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2021, 10:37:03 pm »
Except what worked for the Democrats will work for the Republicans. They don't need your votes anymore.