Author Topic: VIDEO: Bernie Sanders Sold Out With Laughable Ease  (Read 431 times)

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VIDEO: Bernie Sanders Sold Out With Laughable Ease
« on: December 07, 2020, 04:33:11 pm »
Never in the history of American politics has someone sold out his supposed principles so easily as Bernie Sanders. In fact, Sanders sold out so easily that it is laughable. Even most on the left, rather than laughing about it, are outraged at the complete selling out by their erstwhile hero. At least in 2016, Sanders got a beach house in exchange for selling out. This year he didn't even get as much as a tool shed for that beach house.

All Bernie got in exchange for selling out was a bunch of completely empty promises by Joe Biden's handlers. The Green New Deal? Biden denied he supported it at the first debate. Bernie also expressed hope to be appointed as Labor Secretary but in their latest slap at him, Biden's handlers have been floating the name of a 31 year old first term congresswoman who lost her re-election for that post. Despite this insult, Bernie continues to hilariously humiliate himself by selling out while getting nothing in return.

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