Author Topic: “Green” policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions are having the opposite effect  (Read 156 times)

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“Green” policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions are having the opposite effect

11/12/2020 / By Cassie B.

Like many liberal policies, so-called “green” policies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions are full of contradictions and poor reasoning – not to mention the fact that their stated goal does not have the best interests of the planet at heart.

Scientist Charles Rotter takes issue with the fact that burning biomass is considered CO2 neutral to give it the appearance of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and helping control “climate change.” In a piece published on the esteemed climate website Watts Up With That?, he points out that burning biomass raises the instantaneous output of carbon dioxide emissions significantly, and it also causes substantial destruction to natural environments and habitats when it is used at the needed industrial scale.

Fuel substitution policies that see fossil fuels replaced by wind, solar and biomass, which they claim are CO2-emissions free, have already damaged the reliability of power grids in South Australia and California, and other places are sure to follow suit.