Author Topic: The Second American Civil War part 2 - Movement to Contact  (Read 302 times)

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The Second American Civil War part 2 - Movement to Contact
« on: October 07, 2020, 09:19:02 pm »
Movement to Contact, that is the stage we are at currently. In part 1, we covered the 5 w's on how we got to where we are. In part 2, we take it a step further and explain the inner workings of the political class, the media class, and the academics, and their predicted responses to the violence when this begins to escalate. And make no mistake, this will be a full on escalation regardless of who wins the election in November. The GOP will wish to put it down, and the democrats will wish to leverage it, but in no way is it going to stop.

Part 3 will be bringing you our predictions of the violence, the flare ups, the spreading from the cities to the rural areas, and the anticipated responses. If you are forgetting about the enemies of the US who are looking for something like this to happen, better start paying attention, I assure you they are watching and waiting!

RT 9 minutes

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