Author Topic: Trump Is on Point: The Covid-infected Are Fleeing Mexico...for US Hospitals  (Read 312 times)

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Trump Is on Point: The Covid-infected Are Fleeing Mexico...for US Hospitals
By Todd Bensman on July 23, 2020

[In recent weeks, CIS National Security Fellow Todd Bensman has written a series of blog posts reporting about the extent to which Covid-infected patients from Mexico might be one of several causes behind sharply escalating border state hospitalizations. The following column, a compilation of known information about this unrecognized source of coronavirus patients, was published today at Townhall.]

Last month, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey uttered forbidden words that drew such hot-stove backlash that neither he nor any other border state governor has dared repeat them.

Mexican Covid patients with dual U.S. citizenship, Ducey told President Trump's coronavirus task force during a June 22 governor's conference call, were driving Arizona's spiking numbers by crossing the border and "seeking the superior healthcare of our system in our border counties."