Author Topic: 5 Things Trump Should Start Running On Right Now To Win Re-Election  (Read 234 times)

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5 Things Trump Should Start Running On Right Now To Win Re-Election

By this point in the election cycle, we should be hearing about the two candidates’ visions for the next four years. Trump should hammer these five things if he wants to beat Biden.

By Kyle Sammin
JULY 23, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic and recession that followed make it hard for any other news to make it to the front page, but the end of the tragedy is in sight. Just this week, researchers at Oxford announced positive results in human trials for their vaccine. Even if we are not yet at the beginning of the end, we may be, as Winston Churchill once said, at the end of the beginning.

That means it might be time, at last, for the presidential campaign to focus on more than the pandemic. By this point in the election cycle, we should be hearing about the two candidates’ visions for the next four years.

Looking at President Trump’s statements and actions over the past few years, one can discern a pattern. Overall, it comes down to the idea of protecting American freedom in all its forms. Emphasizing these five themes of protection could summarize for voters what they would get from four more years of Trump in the White House.

1. Protecting American Jobs

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.