Author Topic: Joe Biden Supports 2 Regulations That Would Destroy Entire Industries—and My Job  (Read 279 times)

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Joe Biden Supports 2 Regulations That Would Destroy Entire Industries—and My Job

If the American people let Joe Biden have his way with our economy, there will be unintended consequences—that could cost you your job.
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Right now, the attention of most Americans is, understandably, captured by the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and the national debate over criminal justice. But the 2020 presidential election continues to trod along in the background, and Wall Street is starting to worry about the outcome.

The New York Times reports that investors are growing alarmed over Joe Biden’s rise in the polls. Some worry that his promised massive tax hikes and sweeping regulations could spell doom for the stock market and hurt business more broadly. However, it’s not just stockbrokers on Wall Street and 401k holders relying on the market for retirement who should be worried.

Joe Biden’s regulatory platform would eliminate entire industries and therefore millions of jobs—including my own. Supposedly, the appeal of Biden’s presidential campaign is a return to stability. Yet his platform includes endorsements of radical regulations that would undermine the economy as we know it.

Offline Applewood

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Interesting story.  I know Biden and the Democrats are salivating over the prospect they might get rid of the coal and shale industries, which will kill the economy in Pennsylvania where I live.  But I guess I'm not surprised by the scheme mentioned in this article.  If the Democrats have their way, every privately owned industry would be eliminated in favor of only government-run businesses. Or just do away with as much employment as possible, put people on the government dole and make them dependent on government for their very lives. 

Biden might be a moderate or a centrist as he has been portrayed, but his party has changed drastically.  It is now full-on communist.  Should he become president, he will have to sign off on whatever karpy legislation congress passes (should the Democrats take both houses).  I suppose his campaign staff has told him it would be a good idea to adopt and promote the party platform now rather than wait till he's in office.

What gets me is how unions can still support Biden and the Democrats, knowing that if they get back into power, the jobs of union members will be lost.  But I don't think anyone can accuse the unions of really caring about their members.  They just want the dues money.