Author Topic: Traitor Adam Schiff BENDS OVER To China  (Read 162 times)

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Traitor Adam Schiff BENDS OVER To China
« on: May 06, 2020, 12:32:09 pm »
Traitor Adam Schiff BENDS OVER To China

Get this snake out of our government!

Recently on MSNBC’s, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) lashed out to claims from the Trump administration that COVID-19 came from a lab. Schiff then insisted that Trump is trying to “deflect attention away” from his administration’s “terrible mishandling of this virus.”

According to Breitbart, Schiff stated, “If there is anything to have high confidence about in that regard or ‘enormous evidence,’ they have yet to share it with Congress. And we are told that we are currently informed on the latest intelligence. So, I don’t know where they’re getting this, apart from either expressing their desire or they’re withholding information from Congress, but I don’t see what would be gained by doing so. I think what they’re clearly trying to do is deflect attention away from the administration’s terrible mishandling of this virus and all of the false narrative that the president was putting out early on about this going away on its own, being no worse than the flu, that we were going to contain it down to zero.”