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Rush Transcripts...Dec. 13th
« on: December 13, 2019, 07:19:28 pm »

What Impeachment Is Really All About

Dec 13, 2019

RUSH: Yeah, Bill Hemmer has been asking every guest that he’s had on Fox today a simple question, and nobody’s been able to answer it. They should have just called me. If Hemmer wants an answer to his question, I’ll be more than happy to – in fact, I’m gonna do it right here pretty soon because we’re just now underway. Here at the EIB Network, it’s Rush Limbaugh wrapping up yet another exciting and sterling busy broadcast week on Friday.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: If you happen to be one of the four or five people that we talk to today, you can talk about whatever you want to talk about. I’m sorry, I’ve been so bad not getting enough phone calls in. I’m gonna try to change that. I always try to change that on Friday. I always try to get more calls in, but there’s just been so much to say, ’cause things keep happening as the program unfolds that I, executing my responsibilities as play-by-play man of the news, must comment on.

It throws all the organization of every show out the window. I guarantee you within 10 to 20 minutes after each program starts whatever I planned on doing is out the window. I hope that’s not the case today ’cause there’s some really good stuff coming up. Plus, whatever you want to talk about on the phones. That’s the thing about Friday. It doesn’t have to be anything that is prominent in the news. It can be anything you want, if you’re passionate about it. Telephone number is 800-282-2882. The email address,

So Bill Hemmer today was asking every guest — he had Karl Rove on there. He had Chris Wallace. And, by the way, there’s some media reporting about Chris Wallace. He did say what is being reported, but he said a lot more too. And there’s context to what he said, so I want to make sure you all understand that.

I mean, he did say that Trump has done more to damage the press than anything he could ever possibly imagine, that Trump has conducted this full-fledged attack on the press. And I’m gonna deal with that. But he also called out CNN for the way they’ve been behaving, and that hasn’t been reported because of course it wouldn’t be.

We got the Brexit stuff. This is huge. The Brexit election, that’s what it is. The Boris Johnson election is huge. Nobody in the U.K. or in the United States can believe it. And it is a precursor. It is a forerunner. And you know why they thought that Labor was gonna win big? Because of Twitter. They all thought that Twitter in the U.K. represented majority national opinion.

They have now found out that it doesn’t. They have found out that left wing dominance of Twitter does not equal the majority of thought. In fact, the conservative party in the U.K. has more votes, they have more power in the House of Commons than they have had since Margaret Thatcher. It was such a devastating blow that the communist left-wing labor leader, a jerk by the name of Jeremy Corbyn, is gonna stand down.

It was such a total, overwhelming repudiation of the left in the U.K., and it was all about the people who voted to get out of the European Union, not letting the elites of the U.K. pretend that that vote didn’t happen. Just as the left in this country has been attempting to reverse the election results of 2016, so the left in the U.K. has been attempting to redo the election results, throw them out on the Brexit vote, get out of the European Union in the U.K. three years ago. Boris Johnson, big winner.

And now, you know what? Plugs Biden’s out there (imitating Biden), “Oh, my God, this guy, this guy, can’t remember his name, this guy, Boris Johnson, he’s a clone of Trump, oh, my God. He’s a carbon copy of Trump.” Yeah, what does that tell you, Plugs?

You know, these people, they live in their cocooned shells where they tell themselves they are universally loved, that they are the universal majority, that everybody hates their enemies as much as they do, and when confronted with direct evidence to the contrary, they don’t know how to process it.

They really have a tough time digesting it all. They have a tough time digesting that they’re not the majority. They have a tough time reacting to and digesting the fact that they are not persuading people to join them. It’s happening in the U.K. It is happening here.

The president is speaking here. Let’s JIP this. He’s in the Oval Office right now. Our microphones are there. There may be a reaction to the House vote here. Let’s hear.

THE PRESIDENT: You’re trivializing impeachment. And I tell you what. Someday there will be a Democrat president and there will be a Republican House, and I suspect they’re gonna remember it. Because when you do — when you use impeachment for absolutely nothing other than to try and get political gain. Now, with that being said, my poll numbers, as you know, have gone through the roof. Fundraising for the Republican Party has gone through the roof. We’re setting records. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it because the people are disgusted.

The people are absolutely disgusted. Nobody’s ever seen anything like this. And I watched yesterday, I got to see quite a bit of it yesterday, and I watched these Democrats on the committee make fools out of themselves, absolute fools out of themselves. And I also saw them quoting all the time incorrectly. They kept saying “me.” It wasn’t about “me.” It was about “us.” The word was “us.”

So they kept saying “me.” It said “us.” “Can you do us a favor, our country,” comma, “our country,” then I talked about seeing the attorney general of the United States. For these people to say “me,” they would say “me.” You said, “do me a favor.” No, it didn’t say that. It said, “do us a favor, our country,” talking about the past election, talking about corruption.

The other thing nobody remembers, and nobody likes to talk about, and I talk about it all the time, is why isn’t Germany, why isn’t France, why aren’t other European countries paying? Because we’re paying, the suckers. You know, for years we’ve been the suckers. But we’re not the suckers anymore. Big difference. But why isn’t Germany paying big money? They’re the ones — I mean, they have a much bigger benefit than we do because Ukraine is really a stoppage between Russian and parts of Europe, a major part of Europe.

Why aren’t European countries paying? Why isn’t France paying a lot of money? Why is it always the United States? We’re 7,000 miles away. Why is it always the suckers that pay? So we’ve changed that. But nobody brings that up. I think that the whole impeachment thing, hoax, I guess you could call it, because it is a hoax, and Nancy Pelosi knows it. By the way, they duped her yesterday. She was on an interview. And she said, “We’ve been working on this for two and a half years.”

So she was working on it, in other words, two years before we ever spoke to Ukraine. She said we’ve been working on impeachment for two and a half years. And the reporter was shocked when they got this answer because it showed she’s a liar. So it’s a very sad thing for our country, but it seems to be very good for me politically.

And again those people, ’cause I watched some of the dishonest, Fake Media, they’re saying, “Well, the polls have remained the same.” No, the polls have not remained the same. I think you understand that, John. The polls about have gone through the roof for Trump, because people, especially with independent voters, and especially in swing states. I could show you numbers that nobody’s ever seen —

RUSH: By the way, that is true folks. The evidence is coming up.

THE PRESIDENT: So the impeachment is a hoax, it’s a sham, it started a long time ago, probably before I came down the escalator —

RUSH: And this stuff isn’t really about Ukraine. I finally figured what this stuff’s about.

THE PRESIDENT: And when you look at the IG report —

RUSH: Yep.

THE PRESIDENT: — and you look at these horrible FBI people talking about “we gotta get him out, insurance policies,” you know, the insurance policy’s just in case she loses, meaning Crooked Hillary, who’s crooked as a three-dollar bill.

Just in case Crooked Hillary loses, we got an insurance policy. But we’ve been going through the insurance policy now for three years, and it’s a disgrace. Thank you very much, everybody.

RUSH: All right. That’s the president from the Oval Office. He’s meeting with a foreign leader. I think it’s Portugal. I’m not sure. But glad we got that, because that’s his reaction to what’s going on.

Folks, look. This really isn’t about Ukraine, and Russia wasn’t about Russia. Well, Russia was about Russia, the first effort here. But this is really not about Ukraine. This went on so long yesterday in the House that eventually the Democrats got tired of repeating the scripted, so-called, charges. And when Hakeem Jeffries decided to object to certain things the Republicans were saying, it all came out, everything they hate about Trump.

And then Pencil Neck was on some comedy show last night. Pencil Neck said on the comedy show last night, “What are we all gonna say when our kids grow up and ask us, ‘What did you do about the man who put children in cages?'” You realize they have been chomping at the bit, they have been irritated since June the 16th of 2015 when Trump came down the escalator.

What this is really all about, and you know it, they hate the guy, they cannot sand the way he talks, they can’t stand the politically incorrect posture that he assumes each and every day. But more importantly, they have bought into a bunch of lies. It was the Obama administration that built cages to put the children of people seeking asylum in when they came in illegally. Trump didn’t do that, but these people have got themselves convinced of this and any number of other outrages.

There’s another one. This one came out yesterday. Grab sound bite number 7. Hakeem Jeffries brought this up on his own yesterday during his time to pontificate. When they took a break at some point yesterday — no. I’m sorry, it was this morning. After the Judiciary Committee voted finally the two articles of impeachment against Trump, the House Republicans had a little presser out there. And don’t know who, an unidentified female reporter asked Republican Representative Mike Johnson from Louisiana a question, and it’s directly from what Hakeem Jeffries said during the hearings yesterday. Audio sound bite number 7. Three, two, one, hit it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: This is a president who just yesterday called a teenager on the autism spectrum a person with an anger management problem. Does that make it harder to defend him this vigorously?

MIKE JOHNSON: Sixty-three million Americans voted to make him the president of the United States. He has an unorthodox style. Democrats don’t like that style. They don’t like him. They don’t like his Twitter account. They don’t like many of his staff members. They don’t like what he does in the office. But the way our system is designed, the way our Constitution is written, is the party in charge, even if you have the majority in Congress, you don’t get to remove a president because you don’t like him.

RUSH: That’s exactly what they’re doing. But there are two things about this that I want to address. Here comes this question again. “Does it make it harder to defend the president vigorously?” The answer is no. The answer for any of you Republicans who will be asked this question going forward, “No, it is not hard to defend the president at all. You don’t have any evidence. All you’ve got is disagreements and hate over personality qualms that you’ve got. You Republicans have nothing to defend. The president is not hard to defend and doesn’t even need to be if you want to get right down to it. But it isn’t hard.”

Mike Johnson’s answer here was good, don’t misunderstand. I’m just saying the answer to the question, “Does it make it harder to defend the president?” No. It’s not hard at all. And let me show you how to do it. And then they can launch into being on offense and what that sounds like.

Now, here comes the Greta Thunberg question. Trump did tweet. Let’s not forget the context here. The first thing to notice about Greta Thunberg is that she’s 16 years old; she claims she has Aspergers’s or autism, some kind of problem in that area. And so she is made the Person of the Year by TIME magazine, which is what? A political news magazine. Greta Thunberg has been introduced into the political arena by the worldwide left, including the Democrat Party. They have made her a political figure. They do this on purpose.

So she’s out tweeting and politicizing, and she is free to lie and say whatever she wants to say about climate change and who’s responsible for it, and nobody is permitted to question her, you see, because she has — what did they call it? Is in the autism spectrum. So you can’t disagree. You can’t question her because she’s not well.

This is a tactic that the Democrats use. They will go out and purposely find disabled people, they will make of them prominent political figures. And when they do that, I’m sorry, if they’re gonna put disabled people or any other kind of person in the political arena, they are converting them into a political figure. As such, they’re gonna be reacted to politically. I’m sorry, I speak for myself here. But I’m not gonna lay down and ignore just because the Democrats are trying to run a trick to make all of us do just that.

And what Trump said is not particularly mean anyway. You’re 16 years ago old, what are you doing getting all riled up about that. Chill out, go to some anger management and see a movie, enjoy your life. And here come the Democrats, “How dare he. What an ogre, what a mean guy.” And they want to impeach him for stuff like this.

You know what it really is? They can’t believe the American people aren’t rejecting him because of this. They have put speech codes, they have enforced speech codes and behavioral codes on all of us. They have been slowly but surely taking away as much freedom as they can from the way we speak, from the way we behave and even from the way we think. And they have gotten away with it because a lot of people are afraid to object to any of it.

So they go out and they find disabled people. They’ve used Michael J. Fox this way. They had him out there cutting television commercials for Democrat Senate candidates. Can’t respond, can’t react, can’t criticize because he has Parkinson’s. It’s not fair. It’s mean-spirited. Sorry. It doesn’t shut me up. I’m willing to pay the price for what they do. But it’s a time-honored trick that they use.

But it is really why they hate him. And it is really why they’re doing all this impeachment. They hate him. He gets away with violating all of their mandates and all of their codes. He is standing up to their attempts to take away, bit by bit, individual freedoms and liberties so that they can control as much of the population as possible. And the American people are not upset by it. And they’re demanding that he be thrown out of office, they’re so ticked off.


RUSH: “This is a president who just yesterday called a teenager on the autism spectrum a person with an anger management problem. Does that make it harder to defend him?” No. It does not make it hard to defend him. It is not hard to defend Donald Trump at all. It is easy to praise Donald Trump. It’s one of the easiest things in the world to sing the praises and the virtues of Donald Trump. It isn’t difficult at all.

But this time-honored trick that the Democrats have of putting disabled people, they love to focus on their disabilities, folks. They use disabled people almost as putting a gigantic shell of armor around them. You can’t touch them. You can’t react to them. You can’t be critical. You can’t disagree. That would be mean-spirited. They do this on purpose. And, see, Trump doesn’t fall for it. I don’t fall for it. It doesn’t stop me.

And you remember how they went after me for daring to treat Michael J. Fox as he was. He was a serious political spokesman for the Democrats during a Senate campaign for two different Democrats, telling things that weren’t true in the ads.


RUSH: So I just checked the email. And I’m glad I got this email. “Hey, Rush, I think you really ought to think twice about this 16-year-old Greta Thunberg thing.” No, I’m not gonna think twice about it. In fact, I’m gonna double down on it. I’m gonna ask you to think of something.

Does anybody remember the name Nick Sandmann? Name ring a bell? Come on, Brian. He’s a 16-year-old kid wearing a Make America Great hat that was confronted by the Native American named Nathan Phillips banging his war drum, and he was smiling trying to stave off any controversy, and the media tried to destroy him! The media and the Democrat Party tried to destroy Nick Sandmann and his group of kids, his buddies.

He’s now suing the Washington Post and a number of other things for defamation, a number of other things, and he’s getting farther with that than people thought. But he’s 16 years old at the time, and they tried to destroy Nick Sandmann, and they lied about the entire circumstance. He wasn’t threatening anybody. He wasn’t bullying anybody.

He was there with his buddies touring historical Washington wearing Make America Great hats, and some other protesters started raising hell, the Congressional Black Caucasians or whatever they were started raising hell. Nick Sandmann and his buddies were bystanders, witnesses. They did not instigate anything. So there was a bunch of Native Americans there, led by the aging activist Nathan Phillips. And he’s got this war drum that he’s banging.

And so he starts walking over with his big band of supporters to confront Nick Sandmann. And he gets right in his face. And the video is there recording it. And Sandmann decides I’m gonna smile to try to diffuse this. They said it was a smirk. You had people in the Drive-By Media and on Twitter wishing they could sock the kid in the face. There were people tweeting and saying all kinds of vicious things.

“This is exactly what white privilege looks like,” they were saying. I haven’t been so ticked off as I was that day in a long time. Nick Sandmann and his buddies were the epitome of innocence. They were on a sightseeing tour. Others in the area started raising hell. Nathan Phillips and his Native American band approached these kids. And Sandmann, instead of retreating and acting like a coward, stood his ground but smiled, trying to diffuse it. And it was open season on the guy.

Now, tell me. Why do members of the Drive-By Media never ask any of their members in the Democrat Party if maybe they would like to apologize for their express desire to kick the kid in the face, to sock the kid in the face, to wipe the smirk off of his face? See, this is a one-way street. Nick Sandmann wasn’t even political. They turned him into something political. “Oh, no, Rush. He was wearing a Make America Great. It was political.”

Really? You wear a Make America Great hat and you’re political? “Yeah, you shouldn’t.” Okay. You want to say that? Nick Sandmann was not doing anything political. The reason for his school’s trip there was not political. They made him political so that they could attack him. They converted his standing alone, threatening-nobody posture into a political confrontation posture claiming that he was threatening poor Nathan Phillips. You remember all of this.

So now here comes Greta Thunberg, and again a 16-year-old in the — what are they claiming? What are they saying? The autism spectrum, and she’s out there lambasting this country, she’s ripping America to shreds. She’s lying and filling everybody with the lies that she’s been fed about climate change and fossil fuels. And the left is using this little girl for all they can get out of her. And they are propping her up, and they’re putting her front and center in the American political spectrum.

TIME magazine makes her the Person of the Year. I guess they don’t have anybody else on the left that they think is more worthy. There’s only one legitimate Person of the Year, and it’s Donald Trump anyway. So they thrust her into the political arena. But their rules are different. Unlike with Nick Sandmann, who can be attacked, who can be physically assaulted, and who can be destroyed, with Greta Thunberg you can’t say anything. You can’t have any reaction at all. She has autism. You can’t.

So here comes Trump saying get some anger management. You gotta enjoy life a little bit more. And here come the questions after the impeachment hearing. “This is a president who just yesterday called a teenager on the autism spectrum a person with anger management problem.” They hate this guy.

It’s like Adam Schiff complaining about Trump being a guy that puts kids in cages. All of these things they hate about Trump they’ve just been building up. They have been intensifying. They’ve been effervescing. These people finally have boiled over. All this Ukraine stuff is just a smoke screen and a mask for what it is they really hate about Trump.

And what they really hate about Trump is that you don’t hate him. What they really hate about Trump is they haven’t been able to make you hate him. What they really hate about Trump is that you don’t stand up and join them and demand that Trump go back to wherever. They can’t believe that you are not objecting to the way Trump is behaving like they are. That’s why they want to get rid of him, and it’s simply because he offends them and their sensibilities.

Because they have a behavioral code. They have manners. They have whatever it is, speech codes, everything else. And they’re gonna mandate those on all of us. And anybody who dares to venture outside those boundaries is gonna be attacked like Nick Sandmann. If some narrative American guy with a war drum approaches you in an intimidating fashion, you’re supposed to sit there and apologize. And if you don’t, we’re gonna destroy you.

These people already have speech codes. They have political correctness that they’re trying to enforce on everybody. And because you are rejecting them, they are beside themselves. They can’t see straight. It’s now all coming out. This impeachment, this has nothing to do with Ukraine. This is just the closest thing they could find that they think would allow them to make some kind of a case that Trump has violated the Constitution.

They know he hasn’t violated the Constitution. What has a violated is their codes, their mandates, their ideas of what’s proper and improper. And what those ideas are is basically you can’t criticize them, you can’t make fun of them, you can’t criticize them, and you can’t disagree with them. And if you do, you’re bordering on criminality in their America. And they’re gonna come after you. And they’re gonna do whatever it takes to get your mind right.

And Donald Trump won’t comply. Donald Trump won’t play. Donald Trump doubles down and offends them even more. So they’re reduced to lying about Trump putting kids in cages. These are the people with homeless people expanding geometrically in their cities. These are people who run congressional districts that have piles and piles of human feces, so much so that maps have to be made for tourists to know how to avoid them.

These are people in the cities and the districts that they run, things are falling apart. They’re dilapidated. And if it weren’t for Trump’s economic resurgence, the situation in all of these left-wing-run enclaves would be even worse than it is. Trump’s put nobody in cages. Trump never had the idea to put anybody in cages.

But their media comes along, lies about Trump, these people buy into it and believe it. And, by the way, they do believe it. It’s not as though that they know they’re lying. At the beginning it is, but they get into this stuff and they stay at it long enough, they end up believing all these lies.

The bottom line is they think Donald Trump is human scum. And they’re just fed up all to hell that you don’t agree with them about that. They can’t believe they can’t persuade you to join them in getting rid of this guy. It’s actually much deeper than that psychologically, but this is one of the simplest ways to make and draw the illustration.


RUSH: By the way, folks, the group of blacks — I’m not gonna call ’em African-Americans — the group of blacks that harassed Nick Sandmann, they were the Congressional Black Israelites. Well, they weren’t congressional. I just throw that name in. Their name is the Black Israelites. It’s the same group that shot up the Jewish deli in Jersey City. That’s the group that started that whole thing with Nick Sandmann.

He didn’t start anything. He was minding his own business. They started raising hell, and here came Nathan Phillips and the Injuns banging on the war drums. “I’d like to sock the smile off of that white rich kid’s face,” was the consensus on Twitter and the Democrat – (interruption) Yeah, it does tick me off. Damn right.

Every time I think about it, it ticks me off. Especially in the context, “Is it hard to defend President Trump now that he tweeted such a mean thing about a 16-year-old climate change activist?” Give me a break. You know, I’m on the verge here of just – I’m doing everything I can here to contain legitimate, warranted, fully understandable rage and anger. Don’t worry, folks, I got it under control. The mitigating factor is that I know it’s all backfiring on them.

They know it too. Hell, look at this New York Times headline: “Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous.” You know what’s gonna happen once we get to the House vote and the Senate vote? There are gonna be more Democrats vote “no” on impeachment than Republicans who will vote “yes” on it. At the end of the day that’s gonna happen in both the House and the Senate.

You know why Pelosi and the Round Mound of the Gavel want to get this done? They want to get this done before the Christmas break because Democrats are gonna go home to town halls and they’re gonna get an earful from their voters about how stupid this has been and how they don’t support it.

So she wants to get ’em on record and voting for it so they can’t change their minds after talking to their voters. Because with the Democrat Party, folks, the one thing to know, the will of the people is the last thing they care about.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 13th
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2019, 07:30:42 pm »

Mike Lee Assures Us the Senate Will Defend the President

Dec 13, 2019

RUSH: Last night Shannon Bream had as one of her guests Senator Mike Lee from Utah. Here she is setting him up with a question.

Bream: Here is what Rush Limbaugh says, his take on how you in the Senate should handle it.

RUSH: It’s about time to go on offense with this. Your president didn’t do it, your president is not guilty. They don’t have a shred of evidence, they don’t have one bit of evidence, they never have had on any of the allegations they’ve made. I’m begging you people in the Senate, do not, do not go into this defensively at all.

RUSH: I’m sure those of you listening yesterday remember this. You were standing up cheering. ‘Cause it’s exactly right. There’s no reason to be defensive about this at all. I don’t care whether they passed articles of impeachment in the committee today. They’ll have the vote next week. It’s not hard to defend Donald Trump. Don’t ever go on defense. Stay on offense. Characterize this for what it is, as bogus, unjustified, purely political, unwarranted, unmerited and with no evidence. That’s all you gotta do. Call witnesses to make the point if you want to do that. Here’s how Mike Lee reacted to that.

LEE: It’s to not go into this defensively at all, as Rush Limbaugh just suggested. We’re gonna be very much on the offense, and we’re very optimistic about the outcome. Why? Well, because the president is on the side of truth and the law in this circumstance. He didn’t do anything wrong, and the American people are tired of this political manipulation that we’ve been seeing from the Democratic Party. They can’t win elections, and so they’re going after the president instead. The president’s gonna win and he’s gonna win in a big way.

RUSH: Mike Lee assuring us that they’re not going to be defensive at all. We’ll take a brief time-out since it’s Open Line Friday. We’ll get to your phone calls. Hillary Clinton is back now, and Boris Johnson’s a Russian agent, folks. Boris Johnson, who won the U.K. election, he, too, is a Russian agent, according to Hillary Clinton. And other laughable items all waiting for me to talk about.

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-Matthew 6:34

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 13th
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2019, 07:55:47 pm »

Kate from Fairfield Is Mad as Hell and Motivated

Dec 13, 2019

RUSH: Carson City, Nevada. This is Kate, and I’m glad you called. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Good morning, Rush. Listen, your anger may be controlled, but mine is not. And let me tell you something. Is it easy to defend —

RUSH: Hey, hey, hey, wait, is this Kate from Fairfield?


RUSH: (laughing) I know your voice every time I hear it.

CALLER: (laughing) I love you, Rush.

RUSH: She’s a caller of this program way back in the Sacramento days. She’s great, folks. She used to live in —

CALLER: Since 1986.

RUSH: — Fairfield, California, right down the road from where Charles Manson was in prison.

CALLER: Yes. Okay. Now, let me tell you. A couple things. First of all, Nick Sandmann, what else was he? Covington Catholic. He was an authentic Catholic. And let’s just say Nancy Pelosi is every bit a Catholic that Bruce Jenner is a woman. But let’s go beyond that. As far as Greta Thunberg goes, where did she come from? How does a 16-year-old from Sweden just pop up out of nowhere and all of a sudden become an international figure?

RUSH: Exactly!

CALLER: How does that happen?

RUSH: She was thrust into this position by the worldwide left.

CALLER: Yes. How does that happen? And is it easy to defend the president? You’re darn right it is. In 2016 I was a very reluctant Trump voter. In 2020 I’m not only donating to his campaign, I’m working for his campaign, and I can’t wait to see him reelected.

RUSH: Really? You were reluctant in 2016?

CALLER: Oh, in 2016, yeah, ’cause first I was with Ben Carson and then I went Ted Cruz and then I was — you gotta understand, Rush, we weren’t sure what we were getting with President Trump. Now we know. He’s the most pro-life president ever, since 1973. His economic policies are helping families, real, authentic families. My own kids, you know, I got eight kids, I got 12 grandkids, I got 27 Rush Babies, and he has been awesome. He has been fantastic. Some of my kids were with Trump right from the beginning and I was like, really?

RUSH: I understand. There were a lot of people that didn’t believe Trump was in it for the long haul, that he was doing it for —


RUSH: — promotional reasons and so forth.

CALLER: Yes. And we just didn’t know what we were getting, but now we know who we have.

RUSH: That means that even back then, Kate, you were doubting me, which means that you always —

CALLER: No. (laughing)

RUSH: — have your independence. No, you’re not a mind-numbed robot. That’s the point. You’re not a mind-numbed robot.

CALLER: Absolutely not. Absolutely not. But I learn a lot from you, and I have over the last, what, 33 years, that’s for sure.

RUSH: Thirty-four.

CALLER: Okay, 34. And I need to trust you. So from now on —

RUSH: Nah, you always did — I can understand how Trump — there were a lot of things that you had to accept. Trump was —


RUSH: — so far outside the box. And there were some people that really — Ted Cruz looked great. Ben Carson was appealing to a lot of people. Anyway, Kate, always great to hear from you, I can’t tell you.
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 13th
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2019, 09:36:59 pm »

A Story Told in Three Pictures

Dec 13, 2019

RUSH: Hey, before we get back to the phones, I need to do something here so that I make sure I get it done and don’t let it lag. I want to show those of you watching on the Dittocam some photos. Now, we’ll have these photos sent to so you’ll be able to see them there if you’re not watching the program on the Dittocam.

First, let me see the picture of Greta Thunberg. We have the picture of Greta Thunberg on the cover of TIME magazine as the Person of the Year. And there it is. Is that not a wonderful picture? Greta Thunberg, TIME Magazine cover — wait a minute. How did Biden get — Joe Biden’s whispering into her ear? How did Joe Biden get in that picture? Joe Biden is whispering into the ear of the 16-year-old Person of the Year, Greta Thunberg. Okay. Better double-check that.

Up next, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton’s had some work done, folks. This was last night or the night before, she went somewhere with her husband. The U.K. Daily Mail claiming that she looks newly radiant. That picture is scary. I looked at that picture, ho. What in the world is that? I said, “Is somebody Photoshopping this?”

So I thought we need a good side-by-side comparison. Could you put the next picture up? This is President Trump and Melania at the White House Christmas party. I think America made the right decision, ladies and gentlemen. That’s a much more natural and healthful looking first lady and couple. Can you put Hillary back up there real quickly just as a side by — ew. I mean, I know we’re not supposed to have these kinds of — look at that.

I wonder, did John Kerry open a Botox company or what is that? (interruption) Oh, you want to see Thunberg? Okay, one more time. Switch over to the TIME magazine Person of the Year. We’re showing this on the Dittocam for the millions who watch the program on the Dittocam. They’re members at Joe Biden somehow got in there and is nuzzling her neck or ear, whispering something in there. That’s kind of, yuk, isn’t that? Ooh.

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 13th
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2019, 09:38:40 pm »

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

Dec 13, 2019

RUSH: Spring Hill, Florida. Gabby, great to have you with us. Hello on Open Line Friday.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s an honor and a privilege to speak with you.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: I wanted to touch base on the Greta, what’s her name, Sandburg thing?

RUSH: Thunberg. Thunberg.

CALLER: Thunberg, okay.

RUSH: Like thunder, but berg. Thunberg.

CALLER: Oh, Thunberg. Okay, cool.

RUSH: Fossil fuel generated thunder, electricity, Thunberg.

CALLER: (laughing) I have a 14-year-old daughter who is autistic and has Asperger’s, you know, within spectrum. And I’d like to mention, by the way, she absolutely loves your books. She borrows them from her friends all the time.

RUSH: Wow. Thank you.

CALLER: And, in fact, she said that she wished she could call you and talk to you and tell you thank you for writing them, only she’s in school right now.

RUSH: Aww. That’s too bad. I’d like to hear the thoughts that she had. You know what, winter break is coming. So what Trump had tweeted about this girl, you know, it sounds like she’s got anger issues, you know, she might need to have anger management and she should go to the movies with some friends.

As a mother of a child on the spectrum, I’m not offended by this. My daughter, who is emotionally sensitive, would not be hurt or offended by this. Oh, and, by the way, to answer your previous caller Kate’s question about where this girl came from, she hopped on a sailboat and came over here, so she didn’t leave a single carbon footprint. Isn’t that lovely.

RUSH: Well, but that’s not what she meant. And, of course, you have provided me an excellent transition point here, Gabby. What Kate meant — here’s a 16-year-old. And out of nowhere, she’s thrust into the world political environment as one of the foremost advocates and activists for climate change. How did this happen, is the question. Not where did she come from. She comes from Sweden.

But how in the world does a 16-year-old elevate to a position of worldwide prominence? And the answer is she was put there. She was thrust into this position by people who are using her. The worldwide left is using her by design. It is a studied, strategic usage. Because of her autism, she is disabled. The left specializes in finding disabled people to become prominent political spokesmen and advocates precisely because most people think that it is impolite and mean to be critical. It’s impolite and mean to be critical of a 16-year-old, period.

Now, you add autism or Asperger’s, and it’s really double mean. So the left uses this young girl, they thrust her up on the stage, which she loves being on, by the way. Don’t misunderstand. She’s happy to be used, and she probable believes that she hit this stage on the basis of pure merit. They’re happy to put her out there because they think they’re wearing armor. Nobody can criticize her. And if anybody does, they are gonna get hit, they’re gonna get destroyed.

The worldwide media is gonna lay out anybody who dares criticize the 16-year-old kid. That’s the strategy here. They’ve done it countless times. And it works with most people. Most people just decide, “All right. I’m not gonna say anything. I don’t want to get criticized. I don’t want to be thought of as a hatemonger. I don’t want to be thought of as a whatever.” So most people shut up. The left knows this.

And these people then have a free, unobstructed road to propagandize themselves, to indoctrinate, and to advance whatever putrid leftist cause they have been chosen to represent, in this case, climate change.

Well, my theory is the left put her there. She happily accepted the job. She is a political figure. She’s not a 16-year-old girl with autism. She is a political figure who has been thrust as evidenced by being named Person of the Year, she’s been thrust to a leadership role. She has a purpose. She has an objective. She has been given a job. Her job is to spread the word on climate change. Her job is to try to convince as many people as she can that we are destroying the planet and we’re gonna die in 20 years if we don’t do something.

And what is the something? The United States has to be cut down in size. She’s being used by a cabal of globalist, leftist activists who have sought and have been working on the establishment of a global leadership, a global cabal that runs things, and if you’re going to do that, one of the first objectives you will have is taking out the world’s number one superpower. You can’t run the world as long as the United States is out there. The United States has to somehow be brought on board.

So since the Democrats lost the election, since Obama’s no longer president, the United States is no longer on that pathway to joining the global governance crusade. Donald Trump exists to stop that. So these people are doubling down. They’re doing whatever they can think of. The United States has to be blamed for everything. Capitalism has to be blamed. The United States has to be blamed. American progress, American innovation, American technological advance, all of it has to be said to be the reason.

The world is at war, the world is suffering, there is inequity, there’s inequality, there’s racism, sexism. America must be blamed for all of it because America must be neutralized. If there is to be a global government, for lack of a better word, if there is to be a cabal of people globally, if we are to get to a point that they want with no nation states and no borders and all that, then this whole project requires that the United States be eliminated as a superpower.

The United States has to be cut down in size, it has to be rendered less powerful in order to be brought under the umbrella of globalism. With presidents like Obama and Hillary Clinton, America would have continued toward that objective. America was said to be in decline under Obama. It was the new norm, the new reality, and we had better get used to it, and we better accept people like Hillary and Obama to manage this decline.

We were told that we had better come to grips with the fact that America’s great days were behind us. First time in American history, by the way, that any political figure actually said that. First time in history that any American — well, not – a bunch have said it. President. We’ve never had an American president whoever tried to convince the American people that the country’s best days were behind us. Obama did. Hillary tried. Obama was gonna hand the gavel off to Hillary so she could continue it.

I can’t describe for you just what a wrench in the cog that Donald Trump’s election was to these people. Now the United States is being governed by somebody who believes our best days are ahead of us and is demonstrating that the eight years of Obama were not necessary. We didn’t need to lose jobs that were never coming back. We don’t need to believe that we are in a state of decline. We don’t need to accept the fact that most American prosperity is a thing of the past. We don’t need to accept the fact that we’ve gotta get used to a drastically downsized way of life.

Donald Trump has thrown all of that out the window. They hate him. They just hate him. Well, Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 13th
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2019, 09:39:30 pm »

Caller’s Experience Wearing a Rush Hat in Vegas

Dec 13, 2019

RUSH: Here is Greg in Bakersfield, California. I’m glad you called, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Good morning, Rush.

RUSH: Hey.

CALLER: I just wanted to let you know, I just got back from Las Vegas, and I wore my white Rush golf cap walking down the Strip, and it was awesome. All I got were high fives, fist pumps, handshakes, everyone asked where I got it. They had assumed I got it in Las Vegas. But it was wonderful.

RUSH: You were afraid you might be in danger?

CALLER: Well, just being with the Make America Great hats —

RUSH: Yeah, I know, I get that, I do. Actually, I’m glad that happened to you. It happens over the years, just to back up your story, I’ve been with people, and they say, “Rush, I don’t know if you ought to –” I say, “We’re gonna find far more love and support than we’re ever gonna –” I say, “I never, ever have any problems in public. It doesn’t happen. They may stare, but they never approach.” And that always turns out to be the case. I’m glad that that happened to you. It sounds like you were overwhelmed with people that wanted to know where you got the cap.

CALLER: It was from casino to casino, it was just great. No negative at all.

RUSH: I’m not surprised, but I’m gratified that that happened to you. I think that’s great.

CALLER: I did have my wife as a human shield just I needed her.

RUSH: (laughing) I bet. Was your wife worried about this before you embarked?

CALLER: Just a little, not too much, but I had her just in case.

RUSH: So how long were you in Vegas?

CALLER: Three days.

RUSH: That’s a good length. That’s about the max you should stay before you get out.

CALLER: Yeah, anything after that it gets a little —

RUSH: What’s your favorite thing to do there?

CALLER: I love to gamble and go to the shows.

RUSH: And do you have a favorite casino?

CALLER: We stay at the Paris and Caesars, and they’re both great.

RUSH: Yeah, the Paris, I stay across the street sometimes at the Bellagio.

CALLER: Oh, yeah.

RUSH: And the view of the Paris casino, the Eiffel Tower over there, it’s intriguing. I have been tempted to walk over there, but of course I’ve been afraid I’d get beat up.

CALLER: (laughing) I’ll lend you my wife.

RUSH: (laughing) Just kidding. I’m just kidding, no, no, no. It looks like it’s a fun place.

CALLER: It is. We try to go as often as we can, and it’s just a good experience.

RUSH: Well, I’m glad that happened to you, and I really appreciate you recounting the tale. This is good for people to hear, because there’s so many people that have this, oh, I guess assumption that if you wear a Make America Great cap — that does tend to trigger people and you might encounter problems with that. But wearing Rush Limbaugh gear — I hear this frequently from people, and it’s very gratifying. (interruption)

Well, you buy the Rush Limbaugh gear at I did not mention that. We’re almost sold out of everything. We’re almost gone. In the apparel, most of what we have left is size small. That’s why I’ve kind of backed off on this. We’re kind of between a rock and a hard place. We gotta restock at some point because we have merchandise available all year long, but we’re at the stage here where – oh! The Betsy Ross stuff, so much of it is — just go and shop, you’ll see the sold out no longer available, not available, not available, not available.

And we’re at the time of year where getting it restocked in time to get it in and sold and shipped before Christmas is impossible now. No, this is not a complaint. It has been a fabulous, fabulous season. And, by the way, the fulfillment staff is still going round the clock fulfilling orders to get them out in time for the assured and promised delivery. Anyway, I appreciate the call, and I’m glad you had that experience. It warms my heart.

Now another brief time-out as we continue on Open Line Friday. Back after this.
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Democrat Party...the Party of Infanticide

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34