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Rush Transcripts...Dec. 11th
« on: December 11, 2019, 07:27:31 pm »

Horowitz Hearing Filled with Bogus “No Bias” BS

Dec 11, 2019

RUSH: Well, if you’re watching this fiasco, I know that it’s frustrating to watch, and I gotta tell you, folks, it’s frustrating to have to come here and do this each and every day because every day we’re faced with bold-faced lies, misrepresentations, lawyerly, passionless explanations of things. But that’s what it is, that’s what we get to deal with, that’s what we will deal with.

So Lindsey Graham was great in his opening statement exposing all of this. Then it got to questioning of Horowitz (doing imitation), “I think, well, there’s no bias, no documentary evidence, poor Carter Page, well, we didn’t find, no, ruh, ruh.”

Dianne Feinstein asked one question 10 times. “You didn’t find any political bias in any aspect of the –” “Well, we didn’t find any documentary testimonial evidence.” And then Pat Leahy, Senator “Leaky” Leahy, gets to his turn. It’s obvious that they’re trying to create a series of sound bites for the Drive-By Media that say there was no bias whatsoever in the beginning or the decision to begin the investigation into Trump-Russia collusion.

They’re going overboard on it. They’re making it obvious that there was political and other kinds of bias. There was political bias, there was personal hatred bias, and they’re making it obvious here by harping on it. I mean, Feinstein must have asked Horowitz four or five different times the same question, and he delivers the same dry, dull, boring answer. (imitating Horowitz) “Yes, we found no evidence of any documentary or testimonial bias.” And all that means is that nobody admitted to it.

But let me tell you why there was political bias. Aside from common sense, political bias was delivered to the FISA court in the form of the Clinton campaign’s hit job known as the Steele dossier. The FBI knew what the Steele dossier was. The FBI knew that it was bogus. The FBI knew that it was totally made up, and they used it repeatedly to get warrants and warrants renewed to spy on this poor guy, Carter Page.

The FBI knew where it came from. The FBI knew it was garbage, as Lindsey Graham has specified and has made clear. And there’s no reason to knowingly use something that’s garbage unless you’ve got bias driving you. It is paramountly obvious that bias is what drove this. They know it, the Democrats know it, and the Drive-By Media know it. That’s why this constant harping on the fact that there was no bias.

I’m not kidding. Feinstein must have asked this guy five times as though she had never asked it before. “And your conclusion is that there was no bias at the beginning?” “That’s right, Senator, we have found no bias.” And then Leahy, who can barely speak anymore, (mumbling) “No, Senator, we found no bias whatsoever, no testimonial, no documentary, couldn’t find any evidence.” (mumbling)

They know they’ve been caught, folks. They know they’ve been damned because outside of that, everything in this report is an indictment. And even Horowitz said today that there’s not a single person vindicated in this operation. He was asked this question about Comey specifically. Let me find the bite. It’s one of the last bites that I have here. Yeah. Grab sound bite number 17. This is Lindsey Graham talking to Horowitz. And here is the quick question and answer.

GRAHAM: Former FBI Director James Comey said this week that your report vindicates him. Is that a fair assessment of your report?

HOROWITZ: I think the activities we found here don’t vindicate anybody who touched this.

RUSH: Don’t vindicate anybody who touched this. But there wasn’t any bias. Oh, no, we didn’t find any bias. “You didn’t find any bias in the beginning of the investigation?” “No, sir, no, Senator, we found no evidence of any bias whatsoever.”

Bias is why they did this. Bias is why they used a bunch of garbage, the Steele dossier. Do you realize it has been made abundantly clear here that when the FBI suspected the Russians may have had something to do with hacking or whatever Hillary’s campaign or server, that they went in and briefed her, and it was elicited even from Horowitz himself that the FBI did no such thing when they thought the Russians might be involved with Trump.

They didn’t inform Trump, they didn’t tell Trump, they didn’t warn Trump. Instead, you know what they did? They sent an agent to conduct a 302. That means an investigation. When the FBI was briefing Trump, they sent an agent in to conduct an investigation that nobody knew was going on.

In other words, the agent was just there as part of the contingency and Trump was getting a briefing about something, who knows what it was. There was an agent in there that was ready to copy down anything Trump said that they might be able to use and convert in their non, unbiased effort to destroy him.

But they’re overplaying their hand in this. They’re harping on it so much because it’s all they’ve got, that anybody watching this after a while says, “What is the point? Okay, you got it. You say there’s no bias.” It’s like anybody else who says something over and over again, you begin to get suspicious of it when they don’t let it just sit there and settle after saying it one or two times.

They had a garbage dossier. The dossier is all they ever had. They used it and used it and used it. They withheld exculpatory information from the court. That’s bias. You’ve got evidence that goes against your premise. You found evidence that Carter Page is not a Russian agent. You found evidence that the Steele dossier is garbage. You don’t tell the court that? That’s bias.

There’s nothing but bias in this entire investigation, a bias that derives from personal, raw hatred for Donald Trump. This guy Horowitz is even asked about Page and Strzok and their texts. Lindsey Graham read them. CNN did not cover it, by the way. CNN did not cover Lindsey Graham’s opening statement. They had a panel discussing what they thought Lindsey Graham might be saying but they didn’t cover it.

They didn’t start covering until Horowitz gave his statement, and Horowitz opened (doing impression), “We didn’t find any bias. We found no bias.” The first 10 minutes, “We didn’t find any bias. There wasn’t any bias in our investigation, we looked long and hard and we couldn’t find any bias.” The first 10 minutes then Feinstein’s question, CNN’s right there, “Did you find any bias in the course of the –” “No, we didn’t find any bias. There wasn’t any bias anywhere. Couldn’t find any bias, didn’t find any bias, looked hard, looked hard, we thought we might find some bias. Couldn’t find any bias whatsoever.”

So that is what the Drive-By Media is gonna run with all day long. In fact, let me show you what I think is going to be the bite that you’ll hear on the Drive-By Media all day. This is Feinstein asking questions. Sound bite number 18. “Your report states –” This is like the seventh time she asked the question, by the way. “Your report states that he didn’t find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation played a role?”

HOROWITZ: That’s correct.

FEINSTEIN: Thank you. And you didn’t find a deep state conspiracy against candidate or President Trump?

HOROWITZ: As to the opening we found no — no bias, no testimonial or documentary evidence on that.

FEINSTEIN: And no rationale for a deep state —

HOROWITZ: We looked at — Mr. Priestap, as I noted, was the decision maker and we did not find any evidence in his emails or texts of having engaged in any bias or having any bias.

RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s be very honest here. Stupidity doesn’t run in one direction. We’ve seen and we’ve heard testimony about Horowitz’s report. If you look at both sides, some people are saying either that the FBI agents were stupid and incompetent, they made some mistakes, 17 errors all in one direction, by the way, anti-Trump, 17, but no bias.

Seventeen errors that this clown Horowitz identifies. I’ll tell you why I’m calling him a clown in a minute. Seventeen errors. They’re all in one direction. They’re all anti-Trump. “We didn’t find any evidence.” So, what? The FBI agents were stupid? They were incompetent? It’s either that or they were biased for Hillary and prejudiced against Trump. And we know what it was. We know what it is. We know what it all remains. They were biased for Hillary. They were biased for the Democrat Party. They were prejudiced against Trump.

Now, stupidity and incompetence are scattershot. You find it here, you find it there, you find it over there. Bias and prejudice are precise, targeted things, and they are fired by snipers. We know what happened. We know why it happened. The only thing remaining here is accountability. Accountability for McCabe, accountability for Comey, accountability for Strzok and Page.

Did you hear what Trump said last night? We got sound bites of Trump at the rally. He was on fire. And even Katy Tur on NBC News was caught on a hot mic she didn’t know was on saying she had never, ever been to a rally like this, and it was hot, and Trump was on fire, and he was hilarious. And he’s out there, he told people (paraphrasing), “I don’t know if this is true, folks, but I’ve heard, I’ve heard that this Lisa Page babe, that Strzok had to get a restraining order against her. I don’t know if it’s true or not.” And the audience just starts howling. And then he reenacted her having an orgasm.

Have you heard, by the way, she is filing a suit, and one of the reasons she’s suing is she wants financial recovery because she had to go to therapy. And you know why she had to go to therapy? She had to go to therapy ’cause Trump was making fun of her. Trump was making fun of Lisa Page so she had to go to therapy, and she wants somebody to pay her back for the cost.

She had to go to therapy. Trump was mocking her. How has Trump mocked her? He faked her organisms in the texts with Strzok. “Oh, Peter I love you. Oh, Peter.” “Oh, Lisa, I love you.” “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Please, I love you, Peter. I love you. Oh, we gotta stop Trump, oh, my God.” “We’ll stop him. Don’t worry about it. We’ve got a backup plan. We’ve got an insurance policy.” “Peter, I love you. Oh, my God.”

She’d been made fun of. She went to therapy, and she wants somebody to pay for it. Therapy? She’s an FBI lawyer and agent. She was mocked. What the hell did she and Strzok try to do to Trump? They tried to sabotage his campaign. They tried to destroy his life. They tried to destroy his businesses. They did the same thing with Carter Page. They’re trying the same thing today with George Papadopoulos all over again.

They don’t care. They’re sitting there acting totally void of any emotion. Horowitz discusses and explains the personal destruction that the FBI people in this story enacted against people in the Trump campaign that had not done anything because all of this was made up, and it was made up, and it was started because of fear, because of hatred and precisely because of bias.

You can’t miss the bias when you look at this. To assert that there wasn’t any bias is so ridiculous and absurd that it is obvious to anybody watching that they are lying about it. And you’ll notice Horowitz always covers it, “We didn’t find any testimonial or documentary evidence.” Again, what does that mean? It means that nobody he asked confirmed that they were biased.

He was looking right at bias and claims it wasn’t there because the people he talked to, like Strzok, “No, no, I have no Trump bias.” “Okay. See, no bias.” He talked to Lisa Page, “Oh, no, no, no, I have no bias.” “Okay, no bias. I talked to Bill Priestap, I talked to Comey. No, no, no. At no point did anybody say they were doing anything because of bias. Therefore, we found no bias.”

He’s looking right at it. It was staring him in the face. Every aspect, every other detail in his report derives from bias. But because nobody admitted to it he reports there wasn’t anybody. Feinstein asks him about it 10 times, then “Leaky” Leahy asks him about it eight more times. That’s the primary thrust of the Democrat Senators’ questions over and over and over again. There wasn’t any incompetence here, depending on how you want to define it. There wasn’t any incompetence. There weren’t any mistakes made. Well, again, depending on how you want to define it.

This was essentially a bunch of snipers. These FBI agents and these lawyers and this team running Crossfire Hurricane were a bunch of snipers. They were targeting Donald Trump. They were targeting him with garbage. They were targeting him with lies. They were targeting him with character assassination and innuendo that was driven, propelled by bias.

I read this report and I hear people talk about it. Remember Trump saying years ago that Obama had tapped his wires at Trump Tower? Everybody laughed. Everybody smirked. Everybody said, “Oh, what an idiot, what a paranoia, what a dangerous guy, what a buffoon, what an ogre.” And Donald Trump has been proven correct over and over and over again.

And even the Never Trumpers on our side refused to acknowledge this. The same people, including the Drive-By Media, the snipers in the FBI Crossfire Hurricane operation, the same people who continue to think it’s okay for Obama and Biden to spy on and collect evidence of wrongdoing on a political rival, i.e., Trump, are now trying to impeach Trump for appearing to do that.


RUSH: “We found no bias.” This is Horowitz. “We found no bias at the beginnings of the investigation. It got a little bit more, uh, uh, unsatisfactory as it got to the FISA court stage.” Feinstein kept repeating that Horowitz found no bias. But all Horowitz says is that he found no bias by virtue of admission. I’m telling you, that’s all “testimonial or documentary” means. He’s admitting that he is not using his own common sense.

You can’t look at this operation and not see the bias. With the phony dossier used three times to renew a FISA warrant knowing that it was garbage and knowing that it was bogus. But even if it’s true, the decision-makers don’t make the decisions in a vacuum. They have to decide things on the information presented to them by their biased underlings.

He’s saying, “Well, Priestap, I talked to Bill Priestap. Bill Priestap didn’t have any indication there was any bias.” Really? We’ve got a lawyer here named Clinesmith who altered emails, lied on emails to get FISA spy warrants renewed. You can’t find any bias? We’ve got the Page and Strzok text thread where it’s obvious they hate Trump. They’re scared to death of Trump. And Horowitz knows this, but he can’t find any bias. “Well, people we spoke to, we didn’t find any testimonial or documentary evidence.” Really?

Well, you’ve got a bunch of underlings like Strzok and Page and some of these others who are delivering information they have learned that then is taken and put in the FISA warrant application. There is bias all over it and just because nobody would admit to it that is the sum total of the defense. That is all they’ve got. They’ve got nothing other than to keep pounding there was no bias, that there was no personal or political animus toward Donald Trump that’s responsible for any of this. And that doesn’t pass a common sense test. It doesn’t pass a smell test. And these people look absolutely pathetic.


RUSH: Let me give you another example of how absurd this is, folks. It has been learned — and, by the way, there are gonna be some fireworks this afternoon because wait ’til Ted Cruz gets going and wound up and Mike Lee, some Republican senators. A lot of this is gonna be attacked and I think unpacked even further.

But one of the best indications of the bias here, it was elucidated today, Lindsey Graham drew out from Horowitz that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton a defensive briefing about foreign influence involving maybe in her campaign.

Now, also it was made clear that this has always been a counterintelligence investigation, not criminal. ‘Cause they never had a crime. There has yet to be a crime alleged to have been committed by Donald Trump in any of these stories — Russia, Ukraine — no crime has yet been elicited, and in neither of those articles of impeachment is a crime specified.

So this is a counterintelligence investigation. Lindsey Graham asked a great question. “Well, now, counterintelligence investigation, who were you investigating here?” “Uh, what do you mean?” Well, it’s very simple. You didn’t tell Trump. You tell Hillary. You tell Hillary, you warn Hillary, you give her a defensive briefing about possible foreign influences in her campaign. Okay, good for you. But you did not give a similar defensive briefing to Trump. Meaning, you didn’t warn Trump that the Russians are out there trying to meddle. You did warn Hillary. So in your counterintel investigation, or in theirs, who was the target?

“Well, I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” “It’s real simple. Was Trump the target or was Russia the target?” “Well, I, I, I, counterintelligence, ruh, ruh.” It was Trump who was the target, and that’s why they didn’t share any information, despite having no evidence. Yet they’ve got the dossier that they know came from the Hillary Clinton financial coffers, they know it was paid for by Hillary, they know it was put together and assembled by an absolute scourge named Christopher Steele, they know that it was bogus, they know that it was garbage.

They know, therefore, that this agent of Hillary’s is talking to people in Russia to put together this bogus agreement and yet they give her a defensive briefing warning her the Russians might be involved. The Russians were involved because Hillary bought it. Hillary paid for the Russians to be involved in the manufacture and the creation, the writing of the dossier.

Not only did they not tell Trump, they did something even worse. Lindsey Graham pointed out that when the FBI did generically brief Trump about the possibility, by generic, something they would tell any candidate any time, “Here’s some things to be concerned about. A foreign government might try to influence your campaign. A foreign government might try to get some of their agents hired in your campaign.” They were not specific. They didn’t warn Trump that they had knowledge of anything because they were surveilling him via the warrants on Carter Page.

So when they’re doing one of their generic briefings for Trump, they sent an FBI agent in to spy on Trump during the briefing. The FBI agent in that meeting filed a 302 report on what Trump said. A 302 is an agent’s summary of an interview or any aspect of an investigation. So in what Trump was led to believe was a generic briefing that any candidate would get on the pitfalls and the perils that face any candidate for president of the United States, they actually sent an agent in to spy. And even Horowitz admitted that that generic briefing was a pretext meeting, that the FBI wanted it so they could investigate Trump.

And yet in the next breath we’re told there was no bias at all involving any of this. And I want to stress, this needs to be said as often as Horowitz claims it or as often as Feinstein and Leahy ask about it. Horowitz is covering his rear end when he says we found no documentary or testimonial evidence of bias. All that means is that nobody they talked to admitted it. That’s all it means. It doesn’t mean there wasn’t any.

That’s why Horowitz, every time he answers this bias question, he makes sure to say, “We found no testimonial or documentary evidence of bias, correct, Senator. That’s right. We found no testimonial or documentary evidence.” That’s not saying there wasn’t any bias. What that is saying is that nobody that he interviewed in his investigation admitted to it.

Well, who would? “Mr. Strzok, are you engaged in this operation because of any personal bias against the president?” “Oh, no, no, no, Mr. IG, no way. I have no dog in this hunt. I have no investment in any outcome.” So Horowitz writes, “Okay. No bias, Strzok.” Then he goes and talks to whoever else. “Did anti-Trump hatred or bias have anything to do with the way you conducted your investigation?” “No, Mr. IG. There was no bias at all on my part. I couldn’t care less who wins this election,” or, “I just wanted to do the right thing for America,” blah, blah. Horowitz writes down, “No bias.”

That’s it, folks. In any court, that gets nuked. If that’s somebody’s defense in court that gets nuked because a lawyer is gonna know that a jury is gonna see right through it. What about common sense? Here’s the evidence. Here’s what they did. Here’s how they helped Hillary. Here’s how they hurt Trump. Here’s how they were on Hillary’s side. Here’s how they were on the side against Trump.

Bias? They had a vested interest in the outcome. They wanted Trump to lose. They were doing everything they were doing here to try to make sure Trump lost. Or that Trump would not survive if he was elected. And it was driven solely by bias.


RUSH: Horowitz is very circumspect, very lawyerly, no emotion whatsoever. He can’t even express obvious things, when he’s asked to answer obvious things. I tell you, this Horowitz case is another reason we have Trump, because strip it all away and Horowitz is there to protect the FBI, folks, which makes common sense. He’s a stater, deep stater, swamp rat, whatever, he’s there to protect the FBI. He’s not there to expose it.

And he had a very, very narrow line to walk here and he’s covering up for everything but harping on this, “We couldn’t find any bias” garbage. The FBI abused an American citizen, Carter Page. They didn’t just abuse the FISA process. There was a human being who was abused. There was a human being who was lied about. There was a human being who was spied on by the American government in the attempt to get Donald Trump.

Carter Page is that human being, damn it. He is not part of some esoteric lawyerly, scholarly process. This is the United States of America with all of its power, all of its investigative power, secret courts investigating and abusing one guy who is being smeared as a Russian agent, when he wasn’t. And all of this gets stated with this lawyerly distance circumspection, no emotion to it whatsoever. It makes me livid.

Let’s see. Got 24, 40. Damn it. Damn it. I just engaged here in bad clock management. I’m like Andy Reid of the Kansas City Chiefs. I have three bites here. Well, he’s notoriously bad for misusing time-outs and stuff. I got three sound bites here from Pat “Leaky” Leahy making my point. (impersonation) “No evidence of bias, the report says so.” “That’s right, Senator, we found no documentary or testimonial evidence of any bias.” “And the report says that found no evidence of any bias leading –” “That’s right, Senator, we found no documentary or testimonial evidence.” “Just to be clear, your report early on says that you found no bias. I like sitting on that apple tree, apple fell on my head last time. You found no evidence of bias.” “That’s right, Senator, we found –” I got bites here illustrating this. So they’re coming up. I have to take a break. Don’t go anywhere, folks.


RUSH: And remember Horowitz was asked, “James Comey’s out saying your report vindicates him. Is that true?” “This report vindicates nobody that was involved in this.” That’s what Horowitz said. “This report vindicates nobody.” How the hell can there be no bias, then?

Andy McCarthy just said on Fox — I’m told, I didn’t see it — and this a good way to put it. He said that all Horowitz is saying is that nobody admitted it. Nobody admitted they were biased. And so he didn’t find any. What an absolute crock. But it’s what it is.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 11th
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2019, 07:28:15 pm »

The Never Trumpers Will Never Change Their Minds

Dec 11, 2019

RUSH: We have Jeanine from Fort Worth on the phone. We’ll start with you. Welcome. Great to have you on the program. Hi.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Merry Christmas.

RUSH: Same to you.

CALLER: I wanted to ask you, after listening to your program yesterday, the thing that kept coming to my mind is, do you think, now that this report is out, that the Bushes, Bill Kristol, all the Never Trumpers, do you think that their minds will be changed at all?


CALLER: You don’t?

RUSH: No. Their minds have been closed since Trump was a candidate. This is not gonna open their minds. Why do you care? Why do you care whether Bill Kristol changes his mind or something or any of these other Never Trumpers?

CALLER: Well, really not so much Bill Kristol, but I had such affection for George Bush until all of this Trump stuff, and it just broke my heart.

RUSH: Well, Bush is kind of — he hasn’t been deeply immersed in all this stuff. I mean, you are concluding that Bush is in that camp that disapproves of Trump as presidential material. But, look. I can understand, if you had donated, say, if you had supported conservative magazines or websites or blogospheres on the basis that you really believed they were conservative and you really believed that they were advancing your ideas.

And then this comes along and you find out that you’ve wasted your money by propping these people up. Now, I can understand that if that’s why you want them to change your mind. But they’re not gonna change their mind because they, too, are driven by pure, abject hatred. There’s no amount of evidence that’s gonna change their mind.

CALLER: You know, and it continues to astonish me every day the amount of hatred. It’s heartbreaking to me. But I appreciate you. Thank you for all that you do, and I just wanted your thoughts on that. I guess I’m an eternal optimist for most things in my life, and I was just hoping mainly for the Bush family that this might have softened their opinion just a bit.

RUSH: This is a toughie. I think in one respect — and I have said this before — I think George W. Bush has on a few occasions himself been a victim of the very people that are out trying to get Trump. And the fact that George W. Bush remains in that camp is evidence of just how deep and powerful and omnivorous what we call the deep state is.

And the question you’re asking, are we gonna see these people change their minds? The very people that you’re talking about here, not just the Bushes, I mean, you mentioned Bill Kristol. I know the other names you’re thinking about. The very people you’re talking about are part of this apparatus. And that’s why they have taken the positions they’ve taken. They want to protect their positions.

They want to continue to be accepted by the nameless, faceless power brokers that run this operation, that run this deep state, administrative state, whatever you want to call it. And it’s big, and it’s deep. I spoke about it yesterday in terms of what Barr and Durham and all of us are really up against here, what Trump has really taken on here.

It’s not these names being bandied about today. It’s not Comey, Strzok, Priestap, Clinesmith. It’s none of these people. These are the foot soldiers in this. These are people whose names we don’t know, in many ways. Not totally. But the people you’re talking about, they want to show their allegiance to that group. And the way you show your allegiance is to continue to hate and despise and be part of the effort to get rid of Donald Trump.

These people have been, I think, illustrated as phonies from the get-go. I mean, here’s Trump, who has — I’ve said this a bunch of times, but to me it’s very powerful. Here’s Trump who has implemented policy after policy after policy that these people have supposedly devoted their lives to, they have sought donations from you to advance these policies, to try to make them real. Economic policies, immigration policies. And they want no part of these policies working and benefiting the American people. They want no part of them as long as Donald Trump has any linkage to them.

So how much could they really have believed all of this? I speak for myself. It would have been really tough if Barack Obama had been a total shock and surprise to me, if Barack Obama had turned out to be some great supply-sider, if Barack Obama had been able to enact policies that would have revived the American economy and would have been taking steps to close down the border. I don’t know how I could have sat here in good faith and continued to rip Obama at something that he turned out not to be.

Now, I didn’t have to face this because Obama was who we thought he was. But I’m just giving you an example. I guarantee you a lot of people would have changed their opinion about me, that I would have been governed and dominated by hatred, not events, not real things. And for us, opposition to Obama always was policy. It was also policy related. It was always our fear of what Obama and the left intended for this country to become, and that’s why we opposed it.

But we didn’t devote our lives to trying to impeach the guy or get him thrown out of office. We thought we had to beat ’em at the ballot box. Only in doing it that way are you literally gonna have a majority that you can govern and effect the things that you believe. These people don’t look at it that way. The hell with the will of the people. The hell with majorities at the ballot box. If the ballot box goes the wrong way, we’ll just ignore the ballot box. We’ll try to overturn the election results. This is what we’re up against here. And they want to claim there’s no bias in this? I gotta go. I appreciate the call, Jeanine.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 11th
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2019, 08:38:41 pm »

Horowitz Report Catches Comey in Multiple Lies

Dec 11, 2019

RUSH: Both of these next sound bites are from Bret Baier’s interview with Comey on April 26, 2018, on the Fox News Channel Special Report with Bret Baier. If you remember, Comey was 15 minutes late for this interview. Claimed he got hung up in traffic or his driver didn’t know where he was going or some such thing. So in the first bite, Bret Baier says, “When did you learn that the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign had funded Christopher Steele’s work?” The dossier.

COMEY: I still don’t know that for a fact.

BAIER: What do you mean?

COMEY: I’ve only seen it in the media. I never knew exactly which Democrats had funded — I knew if it was funded first by Republicans —

BAIER: But that’s not true.

COMEY: I’m sorry?

BAIER: That’s not true.

RUSH: That’s not true. Not true. The Hillary Clinton campaign — this guy wouldn’t even admit it. “Well, I knew it was funded by some Democrats.” He knew it was bogus. He knew it was garbage. He knew he was untrue, and he knew it came from Hillary. And Baier called him out on it.

Now, his referral here to the Republicans, this was a trick that they used all during this period of time. Some Republican candidate — I forget who it was — hired Fusion GPS to do something during the Republican campaign and ended up firing them. And then when Fusion GPS is involved with Steele and the dossier on the Democrat side, that’s when people like Comey came forward (imitating Comey), “Fusion GPS, they were Republican operatives. They came to us very late in the game.”

Fusion GPS is Glenn Simpson and Nellie Ohr and Bruce Ohr and this was made clear by Lindsey Graham today. He made clear that Fusion GPS — Lee Smith has made it clear in his book — Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, they’re the actual authors of the dossier.

And then there was a sub-source, somebody else that was talking about Trump at a bar that ends up — those stories, somebody talking in a bar, end up in the dossier. The point is Comey knew that, and he’s lying to Bret Baier. Now, the next bite from the same interview are Baier and Comey talking about the dossier.

BAIER: You called the dossier unverified, salacious. Why did you use that to the FISA court to ask for surveillance for Carter Page?

COMEY: That’s not my recollection, Bret. And I don’t know that the FISA application has been released. My recollection was it was part of a broader mosaic of facts that were laid before the FISA judge to obtain a FISA warrant.

RUSH: Horowitz has confirmed that the dossier was it. The dossier was the only thing. Without the dossier, there would not have been any FISA warrants. The FISA court was totally misled. And Lindsey Graham said today, what are we gonna do about this? Do we shut down the FISA court? It’s been totally discredited. It’s been illustrated to be useless. You can lie to these judges.

The FBI lied to the FISA court. They presented a bogus, garbage document called the Steele dossier, and then a couple of emails written to support it were altered by a guy named Clinesmith, a lawyer in the FBI office. And the FISA judge that heard the case rubber-stamped it, said fine three additional times. The warrant to spy on Page was renewed three times.

Keep in mind there’s no bias driving any of this, ladies and gentlemen, except Horowitz has alluded now that when you get to this stage, the FISA court, the FISA warrant application, it gets a little murky, Senator, it gets a little murky. There wasn’t any bias in the beginning. No bias at the beginning? You know, they’re sticking to their Papadopoulos story, and they’re not gonna drop this. And I knew this gonna be the case when I saw this sleazebag McCabe on CNN fired from the FBI for lying and a number of other things.

By the way, lying to the FBI can get you in jail. Ask Martha Stewart, right? Well, the FBI lied to the FISA court. So what the hell should happen to the FBI? What the hell should happen to Clinesmith? What the hell should happen to Comey? What the hell should happen to all these people? They lied willingly, knowingly, brazenly to a court.

Now, you lie to them, and they’re gonna put you in jail for six months if you’ve done nothing else, all you did was lie to their investigators, you are toast, dude. But they get to lie to the FISA court? They get to alter emails? All while we are being told that there wasn’t any bias. I don’t think Trump ever even met Papadopoulos at the time Papadopoulos is supposed to have told the Australian — do you know that Horowitz wouldn’t even identify the Australian ambassador as the guy Papadopoulos was talking to today? “Well, I think we must respect the confidentiality of a friendly foreign source.”

We all know who it is. It’s the ambassador from Australia. So they’re sticking with this story that Papadopoulos is over in London bragging about the fact that the Trump campaign knows the Russians have dirt on Hillary. And they’re sticking with that as their justifiable reason for opening the investigation. Yeah, well, that is, as we have shared with you countless times, and I’m not gonna go through it again, don’t worry, it is so bogus, they didn’t even interview Papadopoulos. That happened in July? They didn’t even interview Papadopoulos until the next January. If he was the pretext and the cause for Crossfire Hurricane starting, why did they wait six months to interview him?

I think this all is so thin, it’s pathetic. And they’re so overplaying, “There wasn’t any bias, there wasn’t any documentary, there wasn’t any testimonial bias” that they’ve got everybody asking, “Okay, you keep saying this. Why?”

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Dec. 11th
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2019, 09:08:14 pm »

Former FBI Agent: It’s a Sad Day for the Bureau

Dec 11, 2019

RUSH: To the phones we go somewhere in Virginia. This is John. It’s great to have you with us, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How you doing?

RUSH: Fine and dandy.

RUSH: You know, I gotta completely agree with you. Sad day because, you know, I spent my entire career in the FBI, and I know some of these players personally.

RUSH: Oh, wow, you did?

CALLER: Yes, I did. Yes.

RUSH: You’re retired now?

CALLER: I’m retired, yeah. But what you’re saying is right. I mean, 17 missteps, this just doesn’t happen in the bureau. And, you know, it’s one of those deals when it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. And I don’t know what else to say other than that —

RUSH: Well, tell me a little bit about your experience in the FBI. Were you a field agent? Were you —


RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: Yes. And a supervisor.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: And, you know —

RUSH: Did you go to the Quantico school and all that —

CALLER: Oh, yeah, I did it all, yeah.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: But what your audience needs to know is these Woods Procedures, which he’s talking about frequently in the — I went through the summary last night. They’re very meticulous and they happen everywhere. And their entire purpose is to ensure the accuracy of the FISA application. Because you don’t want to invade somebody’s privacy without due process, essentially. And it is rare to even have a single mistake in those things. And he’s outlining 17 mistakes as you just said and as Mike Lee just said.

RUSH: Right. Well, it’s not just that. How many people have to sign off on a FISA warrant application? It’s not just —

CALLER: Tons. And he lays out in his report, you know, that the director signed off on these things. This went all the way up the chain. But the mistakes, too, are what’s really egregious. As he lays them out there, what we call material, which means they went to the heart of whether the FISA application would have been approved by the court if the information, full information, had been in the application. And they left things out like, you know, Page apparently was working for another agency and was considered reliable. They left things out like Page —

RUSH: That would be the CIA. He was working for the CIA against Russia.

CALLER: They left things out like Page stating that he didn’t even know these people, he had never spoken with Manafort. You know, you can’t leave material things like that out of an application. It’s just not done.

RUSH: Well, they did.

CALLER: I know. That’s what I’m telling you. That’s why it’s a very sad day for the bureau and it’s even a sadder day for the country.

RUSH: Let me ask you this. We got the Steele dossier. We know today that it’s literally manufactured and made up. Not a single thing in the Steele dossier. And folks, it’s a lot of pages. It’s not some little five or six page document. It’s a very big piece of work. Not a single thing in it is true. It doesn’t even get there to say it’s not verified or corroborated. It couldn’t be because it’s made up and literally it’s made up. Some of it comes from a guy making statements gossiping in a bar that one of Steele’s agents overheard and just decided to put it in there, and he couldn’t believe, he now says, that Steele used it.

But I’m getting off the path. Specific question, you’ve got this dossier that the FBI knows is bogus, that the people involved in using it to apply for a warrant to the FISA court know is bogus. And yet they lie. They convince the court that it’s substantive, that it’s dangerous, that it’s potentially threatening to America. And the court buys it.

What would have happened if they would have taken the dossier and told the court the truth about it? “Judge, the Clinton campaign paid for this. We haven’t been able to verify any of it, there’s none of it that’s true, and the guy that’s responsible for this hasn’t been to Russia since 1989 or something,” what do you think the outcome would have been?

CALLER: I don’t think the court would have signed it.

RUSH: They would have even taken it if they were gonna tell the truth about it.

CALLER: You know, the thing about that Steele dossier, anybody that has experience — and some of these people are not friendly towards the president. I’m talking about Mike Morell, the former head of the CIA, he said, but anybody that has any experience, you look at that dossier, and you immediately say this is junk. This is trash. Because it’s not just one source.

It’s like six sub-sources of one source, and that’s just not considered credible in law enforcement or intelligence purposes in those agencies. So to even look at that dossier and put any credence — you can take the information, you can stick it in the file for reference, but to then use that to brief the president of the United States and then to use that in the FISA application? You know, just my opinion, but —

RUSH: What is your opinion of the story of the origins, that George Papadopoulos, a peripheral player in the Trump foreign policy team who never even met Trump, is over in London telling people that just happened to be connected to the FBI that he knows and the Trump campaign knows the Russians have some dirt on Hillary?

See, my problem with that is that Strzok and his texts with Lisa Page go all the way back to 2015. They were arrayed and aligned against Trump from the moment he got in the race, which was June of 2015. Their texts happened months before this so-called official beginning in July of 2016.

CALLER: Hmm. Well, I mean, it sounds very strange to me and very fishy to me. I can’t put it my finger exactly on what was there, but, you know, the thing that Horowitz points out in his report is that Papadopoulos later said that nobody in the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia. And they didn’t include it in the application. You must include things that are exonerating of the subject —

RUSH: Oh, yeah, that’s another point. They purposely left out exculpatory information in the application.

CALLER: The court must have the full scope of information to make a judgment because FISA and any wiretap is considered the most extreme invasion of a citizen’s privacy.

RUSH: Well, no damage done. No damage. There wasn’t any bias here, so no damage.

CALLER: It’s very sad.

RUSH: Another day at the FBI. No bias.

CALLER: Well, that’s the part that bothers me, you know, you serve, there’s so many people, the rank-and-file are so good, they follow the rules meticulously. And then you have senior people come through and do this, and I don’t blame anybody in your audience for believing that we’re corrupt. But we’re not. That’s the point. This is so outrageous and egregious in the bureau that it’s just unbelievable to those of us that have served.

RUSH: Well, I’ve gotten to know some FBI agents over the course of my life, and the one thing I’ve noticed about them, they really do believe — and this is not derived from my perception of their ego. They really do think they are elite agents of law enforcement. They are the best of the best, that the things they go through at Quantico, the training that they undergo, the qualifications they have to have to even get to Quantico, they really do think they are the elite of the elite when it comes to law enforcement.

Like the Rangers and Special Forces, the SEALs are the elite in military Special Forces, FBI agents consider themselves to be the best you can find in the area of law enforcement, criminal investigation, and just tracking down people that commit crimes and the crimes they commit and so forth.

So it’s gotta be something that I would think bothers you as you say it does because of the — the worst thing that can happen to any agency that takes itself seriously and has a lot of devoted people to it in it, is to have something like this come along, “Ah, they’re just as corrupt as everything else in government.” It’s the last thing in the world you want to hear.

CALLER: Well, and I would say even, sure, maybe we think that we’re elite, things like that, but I say on top of everything else — and this is no different than you or many of your listeners — those that have served in the military, we consider ourselves patriots. And, you know, the president is a democratically elected president. And these things you just do not — they’re just very dangerous for the country, in my opinion.

RUSH: Well, I’m glad you called. I’m glad you waited. I appreciate your patience. That’s John somewhere in Virginia, a retired FBI agent. Folks, it was beyond lying to the FISA court. The FBI, quote, unquote, told the court that the primary sub-source who created the dossier appeared highly credible, but they didn’t tell the court that he said all the info was gossip and hearsay and jokes heard in a bar.

It goes beyond lying. As John pointed out, they covered up damning information about the dossier, and they covered up exculpatory — for example, they did not tell the FISA judge that Papadopoulos is denying anything, is denying everything, he’s denying that they knew anything about the Russians, that there was any Russian involvement in the foreign policy apparatus of the Trump campaign.

And Papadopoulos, by the way, for all of this, I mean, if Papadopoulos is the origin of this investigation, he goes to jail for 14 days for lying to the FBI. What’s up with that? Here again it’s time for some accountability. We’ve had some people lying to the FISA court, FBI, management people in Washington lying to the FISA court. We’ve had FBI employees lying under oath to Congress. You lie to them and six months in the slammer for you. Ask Martha Stewart or anybody else.

Now, we’ve had so much lying on the part of government officials about this. And this report makes some of that lying clear. Even though there wasn’t any bias at all, evidentiary, testimonial, documentary evidence. It just means that nobody confessed it. I wish somebody would ask this guy this point-blank: “What do you mean when you say that there’s no testimonial or documentary evidence? You just mean nobody admitted it to youm, right? You’re not saying there wasn’t any. You just didn’t get anybody to admit that’s what drove them, right?” That’s all he’s saying here. And he’s hanging his hat on it because that’s all they’ve got.
Proud Supporter of Tunnel to Towers
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Democrat Party...the Party of Infanticide

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34