Author Topic: Here’s What Trump Said About “Terrorists” Antifa Ahead Of Saturday’s Clash In Portland  (Read 187 times)

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Here’s What Trump Said About “Terrorists” Antifa Ahead Of Saturday’s Clash In Portland

(Tea Party PAC) – The radical left is not the majority in this country and their socialist aspirations are not shared by most Americans. It can seem like us sane people are greatly outnumbered but that’s because the mainstream media does a pretty stellar job painting that picture. The truth is, the left is nothing more than a bunch of bullies, the minority at that, and the media twists the truth to give the impression that their ideas have become mainstream and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

While the left touts “love” and “tolerance” as some kind of badge to do and say whatever they want to anyone who disagrees with them, what they really stand for is hate, intolerance, and violence. This is demonstrated time and time again anytime angry, unhinged liberals get together to protest Trump, conservative speakers, or any logical, humane, or moral policies and laws. They believe, in their demented minds, that they are really fighting against Nazis and fascists, only problem is, they are them. It’s complete lunacy, really.