Author Topic: Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for June 3, 2019  (Read 231 times)

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Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for June 3, 2019
« on: June 04, 2019, 04:19:50 pm »
Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog

Biden continues to lead, the DNC raises the bar for Debate Three, Booker spurns his former best buds rabbi, Williamson attends the world’s lamest rave, and Swalwell and Gillibrand compete to see who can run the most cringe-inducing campaign. It’s your weekly Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update!


Harvard/Harris (go all the way to page 144): Biden 36, Sanders 17, Harris 8, Warren 5, Buttigieg 5, O’Rourke 4, Booker 3, Hickenlooper 1, Gravel 1, Ryan 1, Yang 1, Castro 1, Bloomberg 1, Inslee 1.

Morning Consult: Biden 38, Sanders 20, Warren 9, Buttigieg 7, Harris 7, O’Rourke 4, Booker 3, Bennet 1, Castro 1, Delany 1, Gillibrand 1, Hickenlooper 1, Klobucher 1, Yang 1, Williamson 1, Bullock 1, Ryan 1, Gabbard 1.

Real Clear Politics

538 polls

Election betting markets

Pundits, etc.

The DNC announced that come the third Presidential debate, Democrats will need to score at least two percent in four polls, as well as “campaign contributions from at least 130,000 donors, including 400 unique donors in at least 20 states,” to make the debate stage.
Everyone know who Joe Biden is. Every other candidate in the race? Not so much.
538 on what the candidates are saying and doing.

Now on to the clown car itself:

Losing Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams: Maybe? The main news this week was a huge subpoena for campaign finances records stemming from last year’s losing gubernatorial campaign.

    The nationally watched race for Georgia governor between Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp, the winner, was decided months ago. But proxy battles emanating from it still rage on.

    Abrams’ campaign on Friday delivered more than 3,600 pages of bank records to the state ethics commission in response to a far-reaching subpoena looking to turn up campaign violations.

    But a lawyer representing Abrams’ campaign is pushing back on releasing communications with outside individuals and groups, and Abrams’ former campaign manager slammed the investigation as “political revenge” by Republicans.

    The subpoena was one of several targeting liberal groups connected to Abrams. Issued by David Emadi, the new head of Georgia’s ethics commission, it asked for banking records from Abrams’ campaign as well as communications between the campaign and several outside groups working to drive voter registration and turnout.

Also see the news on Andrew Gillum below. Karl Rove systematically dismantles Abrams claims of “voter suppression” in her losing gubernatorial race.

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet: In. Twitter. Facebook. He had a CNN town hall. “If Bennet doesn’t get a noticeable bump in the polls — meaning going from somewhere under 1 percent to anywhere consistently over 1 percent — he probably won’t make it onto the June debate stage in the first round.” Gets a Business Insider profile, which reveals that he was born in New Delhi, India. He was chairman of the Senatorial Campaign Committee from 2013—2015, which included the 2014 election where Republicans regained nine seats to retake the majority. He did vote against restoring the Clinton-era cosmetic “assault weapons” ban in 2013. Both he and Hickenlooper are having trouble finding traction:

    Former governor John Hickenlooper, the wealthy white male moderate who progressives think is too close to the oil industry, and U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, the wealthy white male moderate who progressives think is too close to Wall Street, have both struggled to meet the debate requirements set by the Democratic National Committee.



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Re: Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for June 3, 2019
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2019, 04:28:13 pm »
I'm going to run too. What the hell? Why not?
If you guys see some nobody on the ticket, running in 35th place, that will be me.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Re: Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for June 3, 2019
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2019, 07:07:22 pm »
I believe Mark Cuban will also jump on, as well as the eventual nominee, Obama (no, the other one).
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington