Author Topic: Jim DeFelice: On D-Day's 75th anniversary, learning about the sacrifice is more crucial than ever  (Read 148 times)

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Jim DeFelice: On D-Day's 75th anniversary, learning about the sacrifice is more crucial than ever

By Jim DeFelice

Published June 03, 2019
Fox News

Seventy-five years ago this June 6, over 150,000 men ran through the waves at Normandy, France, braving artillery, mortar shells, mines, and machine guns in the biggest seaborne invasion of all time. D-Day has come to be remembered as the 20th century’s iconic battle, and with good reason. The operation was the largest if not the bloodiest of the war, itself the largest and certainly the bloodiest of the century, and perhaps our entire existence.

But that was 75 years ago, ancient history for many of us. Ask a high school student today about D-Day, and at best you’ll get a sentence or two related to the war: VE Day, VJ Day. unless they are a current internet meme or perhaps part of a video game, you’re unlikely to get more than a blank stare.