Author Topic: More claptrap from the 'party of science'  (Read 555 times)

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More claptrap from the 'party of science'
« on: April 21, 2019, 03:38:37 pm »
April 17, 2019
More claptrap from the 'party of science'
By Jack Hellner

We are having a crisis at the border.  Democrats refuse to fund a wall they previously supported.  Democrat-run sanctuary cities and states refuse to enforce the laws Congress passed; Democrats say illegal aliens make the economy stronger and cities safer; liberal judges stop Trump from enforcing immigration laws; Trump is sued by Democrat attorneys general, and Democrats say ICE should be abolished (including Rep. Ocasio-Cortez yesterday...again).

So what, we are told, is the cause of the influx of massive numbers of illegal aliens, which we repeatedly have been told is a manufactured crisis?  Usually, the complicit media collude with other Democrats to say it is Trump's fault because he is being too tough.

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