Author Topic: U.S. Bolstering Pacific Military Forces to Counter ‘Massive’ Beijing Buildup  (Read 272 times)

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 U.S. Bolstering Pacific Military Forces to Counter ‘Massive’ Beijing Buildup
Posted By Bill Gertz On February 13, 2019 @ 5:00 am

The U.S. military is adding forces and bases in Asia to counter a "massive" buildup of Chinese military forces and aggressive efforts by Beijing to expand Chinese communism, the commander of the Indo-Pacific Command told Congress on Tuesday.

Adm. Philip Davidson, the new Pacom commander, testified that China's military buildup includes significant numbers of advanced missiles, aircraft, ships, submarines and nuclear forces and he called China "the greatest long-term threat to a free and open Indo-Pacific region."

"Through fear and economic pressure, Beijing is working to expand its form of communist-socialist ideology in order to bend, break, and replace the existing rules-based international order," Davidson told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

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