Author Topic: Bill Maher Makes Racist ‘Popeyes Chicken’ Remark to Black Congressman Will Hurd  (Read 635 times)

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Two years ago, comedian Bill Maher got in hot water after using the N-word on his HBO program Real Time.

During a sit-down interview with Republican Senator Ben Sasse, Maher responded to a cheeky dig by the Nebraska congressman (“We’d love to have you work in the fields with us”) by quipping, “Work in the fields? Senator, I’m a house n---er.”

Maher’s use of the N-word prompted many to call for his resignation, including Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson and Chance the Rapper, while the Rev. Al Sharpton dug up an old clip of Maher using the N-word indiscriminately. The situation got so precarious that the typically unapologetic comic issued a very rare apology: “Friday nights are always my worst nights of sleep because I’m up reflecting on the things I should or shouldn't have said on my live show,” he wrote. “Last night was a particularly long night as I regret the word I used in the banter of a live moment. The word was offensive and I regret saying it and I’m very sorry.”

Well, get ready for another apology.

“I’m just asking why you’re a Republican?” he pressed. “Because they’re not good at the debt, that was their big thing. You said limited government, they don’t do that. They took over the Congress in 2011 and they raised the debt a trillion dollars a year. They’re not good at national defense—the president’s a traitor. What’s in it for you? What is in the Republican Party for you? You were in the CIA!”

With that, Hurd explained, “I was in the CIA for almost a decade. I was the dude in the back alleys at four o’clock in the morning collecting intelligence on threats to the homeland.”

“That’s where you’d collect it, huh? Wow,” shot back Maher. “By the Popeyes Chicken?”
I am just a Technicolor Dream Cat riding this kaleidoscope of life.