Author Topic: Next Gillette Should Target 'Toxic Femininity'  (Read 413 times)

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Next Gillette Should Target 'Toxic Femininity'
« on: January 17, 2019, 01:38:57 pm »
January 17, 2019
Next Gillette Should Target 'Toxic Femininity'
By Jeannie DeAngelis

Recently, Gillette, the company whose razors have shaved the faces of many a male, as well as the legs of many of a male identifying as a female, officially crossed over to the lassies' side by launching a marketing ploy that portrays men as salivating troglodytes who alternate between patting women's heads and behinds.

After rendering most men as louts, the Gillette ad asks America the question: "Is this the best a man can get?"

Granted, on the surface, encouraging anyone to be a better person is a worthy endeavor.  However, a problem arises concerning who it is that gets to determine what a man's "best" actually is.  Furthermore, Gillette must have forgotten that setting benchmarks for how others should act undermines the foundational argument of the women they defend.  After all, doesn't the right-to-choose crowd quell its guilt-ridden consciences by espousing that there is no absolute moral truth and that what's right for a person hinges solely on personal reality and conviction?

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