Author Topic: Trump's resolve is breaking the migrant caravan up fast  (Read 218 times)

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Trump's resolve is breaking the migrant caravan up fast
« on: November 05, 2018, 01:51:41 pm »
American Thinker
Monica Showalter
Nov.5, 2018

Dragging into its fourth week, all signs are on that the migrant caravan is falling apart.

According to the Associated Press:

ISLA, Mexico — A 4,000-strong caravan of Central American migrants traveling through Mexico split up into several groups with one spending the night in a town in the coastal state of Veracruz and other migrants continuing toward the country’s capital.

The divisions came during a tense day in which tempers flared and some migrants argued with caravan organizers and criticized Mexican officials.

How did it happen? Obviously, someone promised them something for free and then didn't pay up. Which is about what you'd expect when someone offers something for free, and then realizes that the whole thing not going to pay off for them in the politically useful way they wanted.
