Author Topic: Young people’s memories improved when they stopped using marijuana  (Read 326 times)

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Young people’s memories improved when they stopped using marijuana
A new study suggests that some brain impairment can be reversed
Laura Sanders
1:00pm, October 30, 2018

NOT A POT STICKER  After just a week of not using pot, teens’ and young adults’ abilities to remember lists of words got better.

Taking a monthlong break from pot helps clear away young people’s memory fog, a small study suggests. The results show that not only does marijuana impair teenagers’ and young adults’ abilities to take in information, but that this memory muddling may be reversible.

Scientists have struggled to find clear answers about how marijuana affects the developing brain, in part because it’s unethical to ask children to begin using a drug for a study. But “you can do the opposite,” says neuropsychologist Randi Schuster. “You can get kids who are currently using, and pay them to stop.”