Author Topic: Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders  (Read 261 times)

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Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders
« on: July 22, 2018, 03:16:09 pm »

    Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders


    Illegal Immigration: We've been seeing a lot of articles these days defending Democrats against charges that they are for open borders. But recent events show that the party has, in fact, morphed into one that reflexively opposes virtually any attempt to secure the southern border.

    For years, Democrats tried to portray themselves as tough on border security, even as they argued for amnesty for all illegal immigrants currently in the country. Sometimes they slipped, as Hillary Clinton did when, in a paid speech in 2013, she talked about her dream of open borders. (She quickly tried to explain away her comment, once it surfaced, as having to do with energy.)

    But several events over the past few days have blown the party's cover on illegal immigration.