Author Topic: Dems: Save Us, Collins And Murkowski, You’re Our Only Hope (Maybe Flake and Corker too?)  (Read 367 times)

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by Ed Morrissey

And who knows — they may be right. While the Left melts down at the retirement of centrist Justice Anthony Kennedy, the path to confirming a conservative activist to the court looks much more fraught than people might think. Thanks to the GOP’s threadbare control of the Senate, it might be tough to round up 51 votes for a bold shift to the Right.

At least, that’s what Democrats are hoping, according to NBC:

Within hours of Wednesday’s surprising retirement announcement from Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, two moderate Republican women in the Senate became an important focus of Democrats seeking to prevent President Donald Trump from appointing a new justice who could reshape the court for decades to come — or at least temper how far right it might bend.

With little power to defeat a nominee outright on their own, Democrats began to look at Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, as potential allies in their cause.

Both are moderates who support abortion rights and they are likely to face growing pressure should Trump put forward a conservative nominee who might threaten to severely curb those rights. Senate Democrats are happy to lead that charge.

Let’s not forget that Collins and Murkowski torpedoed an ObamaCare repeal bill in part because it defunded Planned Parenthood, although John McCain performed the coup de grace on it.


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Corker and Flake can preserve constitutional norms and free trade by announcing they won’t support Trump judicial nominees until:

1. A law is passed that kills Trump’s punitive tariffs, and,

2. Constitutional legislation is passed to protect Robert Mueller’s investigation .

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) June 27, 2018