Author Topic: The Schiff Show: Hollywood’s Congressman Was on TV 227 Times in The Last Year  (Read 308 times)

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The Schiff Show: Hollywood’s Congressman Was on TV 227 Times in The Last Year

March 1, 2018| by Donn Marten

The Republican National Committee has just released a study on the Democratic party’s top Russian conspiracy monger Adam Schiff and how he has a rather cozy relationship with the media networks that are determined to remove President Trump from office.

The slimy little pr*ck is the representative for Hollywood and the celebrity Trump haters, something that has not once been pointed out on CNN, MSNBC or any of the other dishonest gabfests that have given this bug-eyed geek a forum to spew his nonsense.

The RNC’s report “The Schiff Show” details 227 times that Schiff has given television interviews, a feat that would have been difficult for even an attention whore like John McCain to have matched during his heyday.