When a residential builder proposes a subdivision project to a municipal entity/jurisdiction the entity (town/city/county) usually requires dedications of land area, for roads, schools, parks etc. They also require permit fees, and perhaps others fees, too.
Jurisdictions may alter zoning, to make way for changing circumstances. Old inefficient/obsolete shopping strip malls, may get replaced by residential for example.
To lure businesses, jurisdictions have granted "tax holidays," on the assumption it will "work out for the better," in the longer run.
Jurisdictions have bid up total employee compensation in order to "protect" towns with the best employees. Pension schemes are locked in by law, beyond any realistic accounting of acual ability to pay, without huge general tax increases.
Other jurisdictions have likewise bid up their pay packages, too.
At the same time, these same jurisdictions have granted tax holidays.
Some day the piper will be arriving, for his due.
At present many cities/counties/districts are unable to pay the pensions, without some outside help or tax increases.
Government, lawyers and accountants will be hard at work crafting schemes to make things appear other than they really are.
I believe this will occur, long before earth's polarity reverse.
Your political leaders will assure you, they have the answer. The answer will be fair for all. It will require no sacrifice. Trust him, for he attends church, bible in hand.