Author Topic: Could This Be the U.S. Military's Secret Weapon to Stop a 'Swarm' Strike?  (Read 478 times)

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Could This Be the U.S. Military's Secret Weapon to Stop a 'Swarm' Strike?

Dave Majumdar [2]

Last week’s massed attempted drone strike [3] against Russian [4]forces in Syria is a harbinger of things to come. Indeed, it is almost inevitable that American forces could come under similar attack. However, countering drones with surface-to-air missiles or interceptor aircraft is expensive, thus an airplane such as Embraer and Sierra Nevada’s A-29 Super Tucano might be a more cost effective option.

“The A-29 does have an air-to-air kill against drug runners so it can certainly be used very effectively against that class of target,” Taco Gilbert, Sierra Nevada’s senior vice president for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) told reporters on Jan. 16. “It has the ability to go slow like a slow-mover aircraft.”

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