Author Topic: The Latest Victim of the Campus Hate Industry  (Read 427 times)

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The Latest Victim of the Campus Hate Industry
« on: September 10, 2017, 05:03:04 pm »
The Latest Victim of the Campus Hate Industry

by Bruce Bawer
September 8, 2017 at 4:00 am
    "All men are trash." — Esme Allman.

    Allman is a young woman who, although a student at one of the finest universities on earth, considers herself to be a multiply oppressed victim and who sees the world around her as swarming with oppressors. She has been so well-schooled in the idea that whites are always the oppressors and dark-skinned people always the victims that when she sees a fellow British subject rooting for his own nation's side in a war against jihadists, her first and only thought is to brand him an "Islamophobe" -- this, even though the enemy in that war are men who would force her into a burka or consider her, as an infidel, deserving of rape and/or death.

    So it is that Robbie Travers, whose only offense is believing in freedom and opposing a totalitarian ideology, has found himself in hot water -- a real victim of a mentality that is all about power and dogma even as its pretends to be devoted to "dignity and respect" for all.