Author Topic: Nissan Miss. plant workers reject unionization  (Read 595 times)

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Nissan Miss. plant workers reject unionization
« on: August 07, 2017, 03:26:59 am »
Most excellent news.  A hearty FO to union scum.

Workers at Nissan’s Canton, Miss., assembly plant have rejected unionization.

By a margin of 2,244 to 1,307, workers voted against UAW representation, giving the union yet another blow in its decades-long quest to organize foreign automakers’ assembly plants in the South.

“The courageous workers of Nissan, who fought tirelessly for union representation alongside community and civil-rights leaders, should be proud of their efforts to be represented by the UAW," said UAW President Dennis Williams in a statement. "The result of the election was a setback for these workers, the UAW and working Americans everywhere, but in no way should it be considered a defeat."

Nissan said in a statement, "With this vote, the voice of Nissan employees has been heard. They have rejected the UAW and chosen to self-represent, continuing the direct relationship they enjoy with the company. Our expectation is that the UAW will respect and abide by their decision and cease their efforts to divide our Nissan family."

The vote comes after intense public pressure by both parties. The UAW amped up pressure on Nissan through public rallies involving U.S. politicians and civil rights activists. Nissan, meanwhile, was alleged by the UAW and the National Labor Relations Board of intimidating employees ahead of the vote.