Author Topic: Carl Sagan Knew UFOs Are Real, Confidant Reveals  (Read 858 times)

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Carl Sagan Knew UFOs Are Real, Confidant Reveals
« on: July 27, 2017, 01:23:28 am »
But Sagan kept his viewpoint quiet to avoid losing academic funding
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This startling revelation about Carl Sagan, one of this century’s most esteemed scientists and writers, has now been made public by Paola Leopizzi-Harris, a former associate of Dr. Allen J. Hynek who worked with him from 1980 to 1985.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek served as a civilian scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book from 1952 to1969, initially taking a very critical and skeptical position on anything related to the reality of UFOs. In one of his own reports he stated:
“I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. “The Hynek UFO Report”. Dell Publishing Co. 1977
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Sagan’s confidential conversation with Dr. Hynek in 1984 appears to not only contradict this statement to the House Committee in 1968, Sagan’s new found view – that UFOs were real – clearly did not play any role in Sagan’s later highly successful public work.

So much for all the naysayers who trumpeted Sagan's paid shill comments as 'proof' on the side of  no reality to the UFO's etc.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 08:14:08 am by Quix »
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