Author Topic: Top UFO Researcher talks Tom DeLonge, Steven Greer & evil aliens {Grant Cameron, Tom DeLonge, Wikile  (Read 1876 times)

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Offline Quix

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Grant Cameron was involved in lots of similar operations since 1980 . . . purported major disclosures that fizzle toward the end . . . But something happened in Jan/Feb 2016 . . . SOMETHING evidently really is slated on the near horizon

My Notes:
--Tom DeLonge, Wikileaks, John Podesta, General McCaslin (Wright Paterson lab), Robert Weis (Lockheed Skunk Works), Steven Greer, Chris Bledsoe, Jacques Vallee, John Alexander, Bill Moore (Roswell)--Jesse Marcel Sr, Dr Eric Walker (DARPA--$3 Billion budget), ... Jamey Chandory, Richard Helms, Robert Gates (Both former CIA Directors), Bob Emanaker Documentary gov film pulled & watered down at the end, Art Lundhal (sp?) McArthur Foundation, Kit Green (injured UFO witnesses), Ron Candolphe (sp?),  WASH-REPEAT
--Steven Spielberg, et al to be involved in a major disclosure project (a la Tom DeLonge?),
--Phenomenological reality . . . no traditional tidy categories . . .
--3 Options . . . (1) MSM . . . Not doing that (2) COVERUP . . . Not doing that either (3) Leaking stories is a USA thing . . .
--Leaking story but protecting certain hyper-classified factoids
--10% of population are experiencers--even in high level government realms . . .
--The idea that you can measure something is laughable--has to be phenomenological that our science doesn't know how to handle . . .
--Jim Moseley (sp?) briefed Donald Trump . . .
--Plausible Deniability strategy
--14 Magicians & 5 Messiahs (Dan Smith, Steven Greer, Tom DeLonge, Bill Moore ... massive egos--that's how they hook them)  in Grant Cameron's book: MANAGING MAGIC: The Government's UFO Disclosure Plan
--Richard Doty calls Bill Moore who says that Bill Moore is the only one who knows what he's talking about. . . .
--Offet Air Force Base (sp?) Lt Col calls Bill Moore . . . we're going to give you information & disinformation but it's up to you to sort out which is which.
--same game . . . plausible deniability . . . all absolutely believe that they have been picked to release the story to the world . . . Steven Greer says ALL ALIENS ARE GOOD, GOV IS EVIL ... Tom DeLonge says ALL ALIENS ARE EVIL, GOV IS GOOD . . .
--Dan Smith--eschatology--END OF WORLD--religious stuff . . . talked to Ron Candolphe's (sp?) wife . . . gov doesn't talk about the 'others' are in terms of good, evil, spiritual entities etc.
--Being managed (to put out a story) vs being 'used.'
--Almost every year since Walt Disney 1956 . . . government leak . . . using government films that are pulled at the last stage . . .
--in Jan 2016--something happened--they suddenly decided they HAVE to get this out--in hyper  mode . . . multiple teams . . . doesn't know whether some major event is looming or what that is pressing them to get this out . . . they are going to put this through Hollyweed . . . in a fictionalized version . . . turning TV on ... thinking you are watching a movie but they are subconsciously downloading msg they want you to get.
--angels . . .  Chris Bledsoe . . . pulled out of Tom DeLonge's projects when Cameron asked him what he was doing with Tom DeLonge who believes all aliens are evil . . .
--Spielberg, JJ Abrahams Dir, 100 episodes . . . $1 Billion budget . . . series to run for 5 years . . . .
--forced to read off cue cards even though it was their story . . . script approved by gov . . . 12 million pages of CIA documents released in final days of O'Thuga's administration . . .
--6 teams going . . . multiple operations . . . the REAL DEAL . . .  not going to be full disclosure but it's going to be big.

= = = =
It is a very interesting summary of such goings on, imho. He certainly is well connected and has known first hand a lot of such stuff. He comes across as exceedingly believable, imho.
Some of the associated videos on youtube look interesting, too.
@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 12:38:41 pm by Quix »
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et al
to make a "big" announcement
9:00 PST; 12:00 EST
live broadcast at the link,
If I understand correctly.
et. al
    Jim Semivan
Vice President Operations

Jim Semivan is the co-founder and Vice President Operations of TTS Academy. In 2007, Mr. Semivan founded the consulting firm, JimSem1, LLC, after his retirement as a senior intelligence service member of the Central Intelligence Agency. Since retirement, Mr. Semivan primarily worked for JimSem,1 a consultant for the Intelligence Community (IC) on classified topics including IC leadership training, CIA tradecraft training and IC programs for countering weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Semivan retired from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations after 25 years as an operations officer, both overseas and domestically. Mr. Semivan holds bachelor’s degrees from The Ohio State University and a M.A. from San Francisco State University.
Dr. Hal Puthoff
Vice President Science & Technology
Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is the co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of TTS Academy. Since 1985, Dr. Puthoff has served as President and CEO of EarthTech International, Inc. (ETI), and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin (IASA). He has published numerous papers on electron-beam devices, lasers and space propulsion and has patents issued in the laser, communications, and energy fields. Dr. Puthoff’s professional background spans more than five decades of research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University and SRI International. Dr. Puthoff regularly advises NASA , the Department of Defense and intelligence communities, corporations and foundations on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends. He earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1967.                   
Steve Justice
Aerospace Division Director
Steve is the Director of the TTS Academy Aerospace Division, tasked with leading the effort to examine the possibilities of emerging sciences and technologies. This team will work to define advanced systems exploiting radical technologies, prototypes promising concepts, and develop operational systems that shatter conventional thinking. He entered the defense aerospace industry in 1978 after graduating from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  After 31 years, Stephen is the recently retired Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs – better known as the “Skunk Works”.  Stephen’s industry experience brings to TTS Academy a deep understanding of strategy definition, breakthrough technology development, advanced concept design, prototyping, system fielding, and program planning and execution using a leadership style that inspires innovation.

Luis Elizondo
Director of Global Security & Special Programs
Luis Elizondo is a career intelligence officer whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence.  As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world.  As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East.  Most recenty, Luis managed the security for certain sensitive portfolios for the US Government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff.  For nearly the last decade, Luis also ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.  Luis’ academic background includes  Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, with research experience in tropical diseases.  Luis is also an inventor who holds several patents.

.   Chris Mellon
National Security Affairs Advisor
   Christopher Mellon is a private equity investor, political commentator and the Chair of the Science Committee at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He served 20 years in the federal government, including as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations. In addition, he’s worked many years on Capitol Hill including as the Minority Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As an aide to Senator William S. Cohen, he drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command. He is the author of numerous articles on politics and national security, and the recipient of multiple awards from the Department of Defense and agencies of the US Intelligence Community. He holds a B.A. in economics from Colby College and an M.A. in international affairs from Yale University.

    Dr. Garry Nolan
Genetics Technologies Consultant
   Dr. Garry Nolan is the Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He trained with Leonard Herzenberg (for his Ph.D.) and Nobel recipient Dr. David Baltimore (for postdoctoral work). He has published more than 220 research articles and is the holder of 20 US patents, has been honored as one of the top 25 inventors at Stanford University and is the first recipient of the Teal Innovator Award (2012) from the Department of Defense. Dr. Nolan was the founder and has served on the Boards of Directors for several successful biotechnology companies. He holds a B.S. in genetics from Cornell University, a Ph.D. in genetics from Stanford University.

    Dr. Paul Rapp
Brain Function & Consciousness Consultant|
   Dr. Paul Rapp is a Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services University and Director of the Traumatic Injury Research Program. He also holds a secondary appointment as a Professor of Medical and Clinical Psychology. He is a past editor of Physica, and served on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Chaos and Complexity Letters, and Cognitive Neurodynamics. His past honors include a Certificate of Commendation from the Central Intelligence Agency for “significant contributions to the mission of the Office of Research and Development.” Dr. Rapp attended the University of Illinois and earned degrees in physiology (minor in Chemistry, Summa cum Laude) and engineering physics (Summa cum Laude). He received a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, working under the supervision of Professor Sir James Lighthill in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.

.   Dr. Norm Kahn
National Security & Program Management Consultant
Dr. Norm Kahn is currently a consultant on national security for the US Government, with a focus on preventing the use of biological weapons of mass destruction/disruption. Dr. Kahn had over a 30-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency, culminating in his development and direction of the Intelligence Community's Counter-Biological Weapons Program. Dr. Kahn is the recipient of the Agency's Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal and the Director of National Intelligence's National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal. Dr. Kahn holds a B.S. degree in biology from the City College of New York and a Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of Rhode Island.

.   Dr. Colm Kelleher
Biotech Consultant
   Dr. Colm Kelleher is a biochemist with a twenty-eight-year research career in cell and molecular biology currently working in senior management in the aerospace sector. He served as Laboratory Director at biotech company, Prosetta Corporation, leading several small molecule drug discovery programs focused on viruses of interest to the United States Department of Defense. He worked for eight years as Deputy Director of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), a research organization using forensic science methodology to unravel scientific anomalies. From 2008-2011, he served as Deputy Administrator of a US government funded threat assessment program focused on advanced aerospace technology. Dr. Kelleher has authored more than forty peer reviewed scientific articles in cell and molecular biology, immunology and virology as well as two best-selling books, “Hunt for the Skinwalker” and “Brain Trust”. He holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Dublin, Trinity College.

.   Dr. Adele Gilpin
Biomedical Research & Attorney
Dr. Adele Gilpin is a scientist with biomedical academic and research experience as well as an active, licensed, attorney. She served on the faculty at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and the Medical College of Pennsylvania. She taught biostatistics, epidemiology, and the design and conduct of clinical trials. Dr. Gilpin led an international team of scientists and physicians in designing and implementing two multi-project programs that were, together, awarded $10 million by NIH, designing and conducting multiple clinical trials. Her regulatory law practice focuses on FDA regulated products such as medical devices and pharmaceuticals, and on research law. Since the program’s inception in 2007, Dr. Gilpin has collaborated with the DOD’s Traumatic Injury Research Program at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. She was awarded the E. Randolph William award for exceptional pro bono service in both 2009 and 2011. She received B.A. and M.A. degrees and a Ph.D. from Temple University (psychology; quantitative psychology) and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center (cum laude).

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Does anyone know any of the
above listed characters?
What do you think
that roster?
What do you think
about tomorrow's
Much ado about nothing
or an
incremental disclosure?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 04:05:43 am by Quix »
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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Victoria33

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"Jim Moseley (sp?) briefed Donald Trump . . ."

If that is true, it would be hard for Trump not to tweet it as he uses anything to keep him in the news every day.
I'll click on the Huffington Post thingy to see what that is.

If there is going to be a big announcement today, it should make the major news.
Otherwise, when there is an actual out of this world alien I can see, then I will believe it.  These stories have been going on for maybe a hundred years, and I have yet to see one.  I have been to Roswell, New Mexico, been through their "museum" about that event, have every book that came out of that including a copy of their local newspaper that came out when that happened. 

When Bob worked at the Pentagon in the "secret" division with our CIA agents across the world, during Eisenhower's administration, he never heard any info. about aliens.  Now, he was sworn to secrecy for twenty years after he left there and that was up a number of years ago so he could tell what he knows about anything during those years.  You have met Bob when we and you got together a months or so ago and had dinner at the best barbecue place in Texas.  We cherish that time with you; you are a brilliant man, so smart some people cannot comprehend how your brain works.

Trump is on an I.Q. rant - if I tested the both of you, and I've given thousands of individual IQ tests, your score would be the highest on the scale - I would say 190ish, he could not compare to your score.

The reason I can estimate IQ, is because the Social Security Administration would send me people to evaluate to determine if they got SS disability.  I had to determine what their IQ score "would have been" before their disability and what it was then when they were in my office.  I used what their employment was, what they did in their spare time, to help determine what their IQ likely was before the disability happened. So, their behavior before they were disabled helped me determine what their IQ was before the disability.  I spent five hours with each person, talking to and testing them with numerous tests, including the WAIS individual IQ test.  My reports were usually six pages long, single spaced.  SS would decide if they got disability based on my report.  I had their future in my hands and that was a big responsibility.  I made sure I could defend my results if I had to go to court on that case.  That is why I can evaluate your likely IQ without testing you.  I sat with you for hours that day and I know you are brilliant based on what you said.

I was with my grandson one day when he was two years old.  He said to me, "That was very difficult, wasn't it?"  Based on that one sentence, I knew he was brilliant.  The vast majority of kids could never come up with that sentence.  Normal two year old kids, speak about animate things they can see - car, food, cat, dog, mother, father.  They cannot speak about inanimate things they cannot see.  "Difficult" is inanimate, you can't see it, "wasn't it" is also not animate.  He knew what those words meant and he spoke in complete sentences.  Before he went to college, he had to take the SAT test.  He topped out of it which I knew he would back when he was two.

Quix, show me an actual alien and I will believe it.  I think Roswell is as close as we have had to support maybe there are aliens.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 03:07:44 pm by Victoria33 »

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Your kind words touch me deeply. THANKS enormously.

As you know, I can't take any credit for the IQ. God, of course, is responsible for all the good aspects of that.

I tend to notice more that high IQ sometimes merely means the messes I get myself into are more complicated or messy. LOL.

My psych testing kits got lost at a friend's house who was keeping them. At his death, another Seattle friend was supposed to pick them up. Said he did and stored them in his brother's barn. Then denied he'd done that. LOL. This was after I went to China the last time. Just as well. Like you, I have a sense about folks' IQ from watching and listening to them.

The UFO stuff . . . followed it since 1962 . . . as a spring-board off of a Science Fiction interest. It started out as a fairly mild, curiosity.

Then I realized that there was SOMETHING going on with it AND that it would likely end up having to do with Biblical END TIMES prophecy factors, events, and issues.

I began to study globalism when I was acting Director of the University library's Special Collections floor in 1965. I had responsibility to prepare the globalists' own materials in their own words for use by library patrons. We were one of 2 university libraries in the whole country that collected everything from the extreme left to the extreme right. It was interesting even then to see how the oligarchy used a full-court press involving the whole political spectrum and all major institutions to move the USA and the planet toward their "END GAME."

Before too many years, I realized that both topics--UFO's AND GLOBALISM were going to end up playing very major roles in the Biblical END TIMES.

BTW, one of my closer relatives worked near S-4 and was involved with the atomic tests there. He worked directly under a German Paper Clip scientist. He was one of two authorized binoculars for his work. He saw UFO's coming and going routinely from an adjacent area.

Purportedly, the UFO stuff is THE MOST compartmentalized and highly classified bunch of stuff our country has and maintains. I think Canadian Defense Sec Helyar (sp?) testified to that being the case per what he'd been told when he inquired about it of US officials.

There is certainly a ton of disinformation, misinformation, smoke, mirrors, etc. etc. etc. in the whole field. And, they have successfully used ridicule to squash a lot of the public's serious interest and perceptions of the topic.

I realize you are much more of a hard tangible proven facts sort of person as you distill out from 'reality' what is truly the most solid truest truth.

I do rely much more on a kind of intuitive distillation that evidently collects massive amounts of nuance and more or less sub-consciously arrives at conclusions.

I have NO doubt that the "ET" critters exist. I almost 98.9% am convinced that they are fallen angels pretending to be ET's as part of the Biblical warning about THE GREAT DECEPTION of the End Times.

I 90+% believe the critters are going to be heavily involved in coercing, shoving the world into the tyrannical global government. That may be in the midst of or at the end of WW3.

Anyway--Time will tell. De Longe's event should start within the half hour. We'll see if it's mostly fluff or has any new substance to it. He has mostly been lacking in offering up anything all that new or tangible. I do expect that to change. Don't know when.

Thanks tons for the bother of your kind reply.

You and our Friend are great treasures in my life. God's best to both of you.


"Jim Moseley (sp?) briefed Donald Trump . . ."

If that is true, it would be hard for Trump not to tweet it as he uses anything to keep him in the news every day.
I'll click on the Huffington Post thingy to see what that is.

If there is going to be a big announcement today, it should make the major news.
Otherwise, when there is an actual out of this world alien I can see, then I will believe it.  These stories have been going on for maybe a hundred years, and I have yet to see one.  I have been to Roswell, New Mexico, been through their "museum" about that event, have every book that came out of that including a copy of their local newspaper that came out when that happened. 

When Bob worked at the Pentagon in the "secret" division with our CIA agents across the world, during Eisenhower's administration, he never heard any info. about aliens.  Now, he was sworn to secrecy for twenty years after he left there and that was up a number of years ago so he could tell what he knows about anything during those years.  You have met Bob when we and you got together a months or so ago and had dinner at the best barbecue place in Texas.  We cherish that time with you; you are a brilliant man, so smart some people cannot comprehend how your brain works.

Trump is on an I.Q. rant - if I tested the both of you, and I've given thousands of individual IQ tests, your score would be the highest on the scale - I would say 190ish, he could not compare to your score.

The reason I can estimate IQ, is because the Social Security Administration would send me people to evaluate to determine if they got SS disability.  I had to determine what their IQ score "would have been" before their disability and what it was then when they were in my office.  I used what their employment was, what they did in their spare time, to help determine what their IQ likely was before the disability happened. So, their behavior before they were disabled helped me determine what their IQ was before the disability.  I spent five hours with each person, talking to and testing them with numerous tests, including the WAIS individual IQ test.  My reports were usually six pages long, single spaced.  SS would decide if they got disability based on my report.  I had their future in my hands and that was a big responsibility.  I made sure I could defend my results if I had to go to court on that case.  That is why I can evaluate your likely IQ without testing you.  I sat with you for hours that day and I know you are brilliant based on what you said.

I was with my grandson one day when he was two years old.  He said to me, "That was very difficult, wasn't it?"  Based on that one sentence, I knew he was brilliant.  The vast majority of kids could never come up with that sentence.  Normal two year old kids, speak about animate things they can see - car, food, cat, dog, mother, father.  They cannot speak about inanimate things they cannot see.  "Difficult" is inanimate, you can't see it, "wasn't it" is also not animate.  He knew what those words meant and he spoke in complete sentences.  Before he went to college, he had to take the SAT test.  He topped out of it which I knew he would back when he was two.

Quix, show me an actual alien and I will believe it.  I think Roswell is as close as we have had to support maybe there are aliens.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Did B know any of the list of characters in Tom DeLonge's presentation/organization that I listed in the OP? There were some heavyweight intel guys there.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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OK, Sent them a msg about no sound and maybe putting it on youtube. They just did. Finally got sound.
Evidently they are sort of announcing and setting out
of what they are about.
I don't know that it's anything greatly new.
It's more of a polished, briefly articulated
video outline of what they plan to do.
In a major way, it is an ad enlisting crowd funding
and membership toward those goals.
"Revolutionary is too mild of a word."
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 04:49:50 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Victoria33

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Did B know any of the list of characters in Tom DeLonge's presentation/organization that I listed in the OP? There were some heavyweight intel guys there.


Will have to wait until he gets back from his trip, then will ask him about the names.  I read the material on Huffington and the part below makes sense.  What we know about physics changes as more is found out as this man says.  I do believe we can move physically from earth to other planets if we knew the physics of doing it.  Jesus Christ is our example of such movement.  He went physically up to heaven, a few disciples saw it, and came back and was able to appear and disappear in and out of rooms.  That is physics.  When He returns, believers will able able to do that.

I also included the definition of "UAP":

"This is the definition of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena , or UAP” as offered by
NARCAP Science Chief Dr. Richard Haines in 1980 and applied by today:

An Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, UAP, is the visual stimulus that provokes a sighting report of an object or light seen in the sky, the
appearance and/or flight dynamics of which do not suggest a logical,
conventional flying object and which remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically
capable of making both a technical identification as well as a common sense identification, if one is possible.” (Haines, PP 13-22, 1980)"

"Following the meeting, I spoke to Stephen Justice (Aerospace Division Director), who recently retired as a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin after a thirty-one year career in the Skunk Works.  “How dare we think that the physics we have today is all that there is,” he said, referencing this as an important message he learned from his father. “Let’s pick at those boundaries and figure out what we don’t know. Let’s remove the artificial constraints, the assumptions we’ve applied to things, and look for opportunity.' The opportunity here, as he sees it, is to 'stand in the future and look back.'”

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Will have to wait until he gets back from his trip, then will ask him about the names.  I read the material on Huffington and the part below makes sense.  What we know about physics changes as more is found out as this man says.  I do believe we can move physically from earth to other planets if we knew the physics of doing it.  Jesus Christ is our example of such movement.  He went physically up to heaven, a few disciples saw it, and came back and was able to appear and disappear in and out of rooms.  That is physics.  When He returns, believers will able able to do that.

I also included the definition of "UAP":

"This is the definition of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena , or UAP” as offered by
NARCAP Science Chief Dr. Richard Haines in 1980 and applied by today:

An Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, UAP, is the visual stimulus that provokes a sighting report of an object or light seen in the sky, the
appearance and/or flight dynamics of which do not suggest a logical,
conventional flying object and which remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically
capable of making both a technical identification as well as a common sense identification, if one is possible.” (Haines, PP 13-22, 1980)"

"Following the meeting, I spoke to Stephen Justice (Aerospace Division Director), who recently retired as a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin after a thirty-one year career in the Skunk Works.  “How dare we think that the physics we have today is all that there is,” he said, referencing this as an important message he learned from his father. “Let’s pick at those boundaries and figure out what we don’t know. Let’s remove the artificial constraints, the assumptions we’ve applied to things, and look for opportunity.' The opportunity here, as he sees it, is to 'stand in the future and look back.'”

THANKS. Great points. Agreed.

BTW, as you may realize ... LOL ... in terms of very high IQ, takes one to know one. LOL. I love being in the company with very bright folks like you and B who also have great hearts.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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From TOS:

John S., a good friend of mine now passed, was a businessman and retired foreign intelligence operative under deep cover for the CIA and military intelligence. Reflecting his wife's views, he was also a casual UFO believer and knew Hal Puthoff well as a friend and business associate. As John told me, Puthoff used to tell him that he wanted one thing above all: access to captured UFO technology and test data. With that, Puthoff believed that he could complete his theoretical physics work on faster than light travel.
 Yet, as my friend John explained, despite his and Puthoff's security clearances and high level connections, he could make no progress on the subject because of its classification level. Even referring to the UFO subject generated an adverse reaction. For John, this was confirmation of sorts that UFOs were real in some sense. Just as a closely guarded building indicates something of value is present, intense security is not imposed on a subject because there is nothing to it.

 Fortuitously, John happened to be at Los Alamos for a business meeting just after the Phoenix sightings. The scientists he met with were preoccupied with analysis of the video and other data they had procured. Their firm conclusion was that the sightings were of an actual UFO. John's takeaway was that the event would help shift opinion toward eventual recognition of the reality of UFOs.

 In a Coast to Coast AM radio interview, DeLonge explained that insiders in the know felt trapped by UFO secrecy and wanted to gradually end it. They viewed the elaborate secrecy as oppressive and no longer justified or useful. DeLonge also expressed his respect for what the US government had accomplished in easing public alarm on the subject through secrecy while also intensely researching UFOs until they were understood.

I do not know if DeLonge will succeed, but I wish him well.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Long-term political aide and consultant John Podesta said in a tweet on February, 13th that one of his biggest failures working in the Obama administration was not disclosing UFO files and documents. He also added the hash tags #disclosure and #thetruthisstilloutthere which lead to thousands on Twitter talking about the FOIA and disclosure from the U.S. Government.

 Apparently people have been submitting FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests to the Government about certain UFO files, but somehow they keep getting "delayed" or out right denied. Mr. Podesta said earlier in this administration that he would expedite the process, but has not done so. Probably because of pressure from higher ups that don't want the real truth to be disclosed. That's just speculation of course.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/