Author Topic: Taking apart the 'Islam is religion of peace' claim. Former U.S. House candidate: It's really 'subversive and seditious'  (Read 489 times)

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Taking apart the 'Islam is religion of peace' claim
Former U.S. House candidate: It's really 'subversive and seditious'
Published: 10 hours ago

Thinking of appeasing your Muslim friends and neighbors by calling Islam the “religion of peace?” Be careful. You may end up inadvertently angering them, according to Wisconsin-based businessman Paul Nehlen.

“We’re out there saying Islam is the religion of peace, and they’ve read their Quran and they know it’s not the religion of peace,” Nehlen told host Susan Knowles on Monday’s episode of “Stand for Truth Radio.” “They know it’s the religion of submission; it is the religion of subjugating others. And so we’re essentially saying to Muslims, ‘You don’t know what your religion is.'”