Author Topic: The World’s Greatest Humanitarian Crisis Arrives Just In Time  (Read 253 times)

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Power Line
John Hinderaker
Mar. 29, 2017

As President Trump moves to fulfill his campaign promises across a wide range of issues, the response from the left is always the same: you can’t do that. Reduce immigration and travel to the U.S.? Left-wing judges purport to enjoin it. Try to build a southern wall? Forget it. Revoke by executive order the “clean power plan” that Barack Obama imposed by executive order? Multiple lawsuits have already been filed. Repeal Obamacare? Impossible.

Liberals can’t deny that it is possible to cut foreign aid in favor of domestic spending, as the president has promised to do. But they will resist any change from Barack Obama’s policies and, wouldn’t you know it, the greatest humanitarian crisis since World War II has come along just in time to shore up their case:
