Author Topic: NBC's Jimmy Fallon Thanks 'Eloquent' and Disgraced Dan Rather as 'Voice of Reason'  (Read 599 times)

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NBC's Jimmy Fallon Thanks 'Eloquent' and Disgraced Dan Rather as 'Voice of Reason'
By Tim Graham | February 4, 2017 | 7:45 PM EST

NBC Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon was roundly condemned by the Left for mussing Donald Trump’s hair for five seconds, and “normalizing” him for the American public. But they were quiet on Thursday night when Fallon spent a much longer time “normalizing” disgraced CBS anchorman Dan Rather, who defined “fake news” for a generation with his false Texas Air National Guard documents about George W. Bush.

Fallon began with the unctuous note that while the social media is a wilderness, you come across “An eloquent 500-word essay by Dan Rather, and I wanna say thank you for being the voice of reason on social media.” He then asked “Trump's relationship with the press. Have you seen anything like it in 60 years?"

"No, I haven't seen anything like it, and neither has anybody else," Rather responded. "We've never had anything even approaching this." He said Nixon was the closest, without recalling how Nixon asked Rather if he was running for anything. Fallon didn't seem to have any knowledge of Rather yelling at Vice President George H. W. Bush in 1988 over Iran-Contra: "You made us hypocrites in the eyes of the world!" Or of Rather (twice) kissing the ring of Saddam Hussein with "questions" like "Say something in English for us."

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