Author Topic: Stop the Ruthless Corruption at the UN and in the USA. Do we need another wake up call?  (Read 264 times)

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Stop the Ruthless Corruption at the UN and in the USA
Do we need another wake up call?
December 30, 2016
Dr. Shmuel Katz
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The recent Security Council UN resolution against Israel's settlements in disputed land is a clear indication of corruption in both the UN and the current United States of America administration, led by President Barak Obama.

Currently in the Middle East, thousands of innocent Yazidis, Sunnies, Kurds, and other Arab populations are being slaughtered across Arab countries, including Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and others. You've seen the terribly sad pictures in the media of injured, shell-shocked children being pulled from rubble. Yet the UN chooses to focus on Israel during these horrible times for the Middle East - the one democratic, stable country in the region (which even provides healthcare to many of the victims of the above atrocities). Worse, the United States of America, Israel's ally, didn't veto or vote against this resolution. On the contrary, while Egypt withdrew this resolution, President Obama and other key players pushed for this resolution to be brought to a vote, ignoring the longstanding USA policy (in place since President Lyndon B. Johnson) to let this dispute be resolved peacefully between the involved parties.

Not only are the contents of the resolution questionable and inappropriately prejudiced, but the blatant choice of the UN to target Israel, along with the Obama Administration's "abstain" cannot be ignored or explained away.