Author Topic: Rush: In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal  (Read 691 times)

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In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal
September 21, 2016
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RUSH:  It's a sad observation, folks.  I'm telling you, a sad, sad observation but it's an observation that I don't think I'm alone in making.  It seems like rioting is almost expected now when there is a cop shooting.  A cop shooting, period.  Don't care about the details.  It seems like it's now axiomatic that there's going to be rioting or massive public protests or threats of rioting or threats of unrest every time the cops have to draw their weapons.

Now, stop and think about this.  Where are we here?  We're in the United States of America.  We are in the second term of the presidency of the first African-American president ever elected so in this country, a former community organizer -- ah -- agitator, organizer, same thing, who promised and assured us, via hope and change, that none of this would survive the presidency. This kind of thing was destined for the ash heap.

We aren't going to have these kinds of divisive squabbles any longer because the election of the first African-American president would finally mean that we had matured and that we had seen the error of our sinful past.  The election the first African-American president, not just that act, but the man himself with his promises and his assurances is going to unify us, the country was going to become one, the nation was going to be loved by all the peoples of the world, and, via hope and change, there would be an unbridled optimism that would spread coast to coast, east to west, north to south, all across this country.

And now look where we are.  We're nowhere.  In fact, not only are we nowhere near that, we have regressed.  We have regressed and we are in the process of regressing, specifically in the area of race relations, but in general throughout our culture.  Our culture is being roiled.  Our society is being torn asunder.  It is happening with happiness on the part of those doing the asundering.  They are gleeful and feel like they have an objective to accomplish here by further division, creating angst.

There doesn't seem to be any desire for hope and change to mean anything positive.  There doesn't even seem to be any desire to want to try to unify to get along.  Is it a coincidence?  It seems like whenever the police anywhere -- in Charlotte you have a black chief; you have a largely African-American city government; you have a largely black police force.  And I think in the case of Charlotte you have an African-American cop.  Why?  Wasn't the election of these people and wasn't the commensurate rise in political power for African-Americans to mayoralties and city councils, wasn't that supposed to also bring about, not an end, I mean, nothing ever ends, but why are things getting worse here?

You could look at this in some ways and say that our country, the people in our country, have actually tried to bring a halt to this.  The majority of people in this country have done a lot of what they think they can do to demonstrate that they are not racists.  African-Americans are routinely elected to positions of power all over this country, particularly in the Deep South.  And yet it doesn't seem to have mattered.  Why is that?

I wish it had mattered.  It doesn't seem to, though.  Black Lives Matter gets into gear no matter the specific circumstances of any particular police event now.  It doesn't matter what the details are.  We have a police event, a cop draws a weapon, cop fires a weapon, that's all we need to know. It's all we need to know and we're gonna get into gear, and we're gonna find something to protest all in the second term of the first African-American president in this country who promised and assured us that these are the kinds of things that would cease. These are the kinds of things that we were going to finally be able to get past.

I'm telling you, we are regressing and it's a shame.  It's just an abject shame.  When I say "nobody wants this," I'm talking about reasonable people.  Nobody wants this, what's happening in Tulsa today, last night, Charlotte, nobody wants this.  But some do.  Some are feeding off of it.  Not new, I know.  But I keep going back to hope and change.  This was supposed to end because there was supposed to be hope.  The election of Barack Hussein O, that meant there was hope, that means that we had changed direction, we were headed in a new direction, a positive direction.

There was to be a new sensitivity, a new awareness. In fact, people on the left were using the term "postracial society" to describe what the country would be like after the election of Barack Hussein Obama.  We're not post- anything.  We're worse post.  We're ipso post.  We're whatever is happening.  It ain't for the better.  We are digressing, we are regressing, and it's just downright shame. 


Black Lives Matter goes to the White House and gets praised to the hilt.  Black Lives Matter gets honored at the White House.  My question is, were they radicalized before they went to the White House or after they left the White House?  Well, it's a fair question, is it not?  When did Black Lives Matter become really radicalized, before they went to the Oval Office or after?  Well, it seems like violence and property destruction are the judge-and-jury justice that we have today.

The mob determines right and wrong and then hands down the sentence then and there. The Justice Department watches from afar, and after everybody gets through tearing up a town, the Justice Department walks in there with Loretta Lynch and claims, "The police department's racist! We're gonna have to take it over, and we're gonna have to impose our federal guidelines.  Charlotte, you're next.  Tulsa, we'll be there before the end of the year before Obama's term's up.  Thank you."  I don't know, folks.  It's just nobody wants this -- except those who do -- and it's a hell of a thing.

But when you ask, "Who profits?  Who benefits?"  Somebody is.  Somebody does. 


RUSH: Grab audio sound bites one, two, and three, then we're gonna grab a phone call or two on this.  This is the Mecklenburg police chief, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police chief Kerr Putney, and he's speaking with the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, a resident in Charlotte.

Remember, now, we have an African-American Charlotte police chief, we have an African-American victim, yet what is Black Lives Matter all about?  White cops murdering innocent black men.  That's the narrative, that's the meme, that's the thing they raise money on and radicalize over.  Not only do we have a black police chief here, we have a white mayor but black town council, if I've got that right.

It's a predominantly black city government in Charlotte, North Carolina.  I just throw that out there, because it does matter.  If they're gonna be the ones to make this about race, and if they're gonna try to establish another Ferguson narrative here -- that a white cop ran around, murdered an innocent black citizen, so it's Black Lives Matter to the rescue -- it's not the case here.  The facts do not match the Black Lives Matter narrative.  Here is the police chief...


:  The officers gave loud, clear, verbal commands which were also heard by many of the witnesses.  They were instructing in the subject, once he got out of the vehicle, to drop the weapon.  In spite of their verbal commands Mr. Scott, as I said, exited his vehicle with a handgun as the officers continued to yell at him to drop it.  He stepped out, posing a threat to the officers, and Officer Brentley Vinson subsequently fired his weapon, striking the subject.

RUSH:  And he then says that the truth does not match the narrative that either the media or activist groups in Charlotte are trying to establish.  So I would say, "Welcome to America 2016, Chief." I mean, here he is an African-American police chief. If we're to believe Black Lives Matter and why they exist -- if we are to believe that they really care about this certain aspect of law enforcement -- then they ought not even be on the scene here, because this was black-on-black.  They don't go to Chicago to protest black-on-black crime.  They couldn't care less about what goes on in Chicago.  I mean, here there's no white cop involved.  So why are they even there?  Well, I mean, I'm asking rhetorically 'cause we know why they are there.

Here's the second bite from the chief...

PUTNEY:  It's time for the voiceless majority to stand up and be heard.  It's time to change the narrative, because I can tell you from the facts that the story is a little bit different as to how it's been portrayed so far, especially through social media.  So, Charlotte, the challenge is ours.  I think the future can be bright, but the work has to be done by all of us.

RUSH:  Welcome to America 2016, Chief.  I mean, the perp -- as per usual -- is not the innocent flower that the activists would like you to believe, walking around, anticipating his first day at college next week like they tried to say about Michael Brown in Ferguson.  So here's the African-American police chief of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police force there saying, "Hey, you know, I'm looking at what they're saying about this; it isn't true."  He's gonna catch hell on social media.  Here one more sound bite.  This is the NAALCP and other members of a black religious community held a presser to talk about the police shooting of Charlotte resident Keith Lamont Scott.  This is the nation of pastor.  His name is B. J. Murphy.

MURPHY:  I open up in the name of Allah by bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger.  I greet everyone at this press conference in the greeting words of peace.  What we're standing up for now is our black manhood and our black people who are getting gunned down in the street, and we don't get no justice.  So what I'm calling for and what we're calling for is a(n) economic boycott of the whole city of Charlotte.  Since black lives do not matter for this city, then our black dollars shouldn't matter, right?  Don't spend no money with no white folks that don't respect us.  And that's all I gotta say, brothers and sisters.

RUSH:  Well, fine, except there's not any... No white person involved in the shooting here.  That is right, correct?  The cop is African-American as well, right?  And so yet here's the Nation of Islam's local grand pooh-bah saying, "Don't spend no money with no white folks." Hmm?  What's up with that?

Here's Adam in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  It says up there, Adam, that you are a self-confessed Millennial.  Is that right?

CALLER:  Yeah, Rush, I definitely am.  Sometimes I do take a little offense at how you talk about my generation, but sometimes you have some points to make.

RUSH:  Well, I don't mean it to be offensive, but if I'm wrong about some, God, please correct me 'cause I don't want to be wrong about it.

CALLER:  No, I just... Sometimes I just don't appreciate you kind lumping us all together.  I've been a longtime conservative-libertarian. I was listening to you since I've been a teenager. I got my car and definitely turned you on right away.

RUSH:  Right.

CALLER:  Today I called, though, you at the top of the show, basically, outlined the question, "Was Black Lives Matter radicalized before or after their sit-down meetings with Barack in the White House?"

RUSH: (chuckling)

CALLER:  And why I called is because prior to that meeting, I always considered... Even though I didn't agree always with Black Lives Matter, I really considered their movement to be kind of an angry movement that was really out of feeling oppressed and out of the poverty -- a lot of the communities -- and disrespect --

RUSH:  That's really who you thought they were and why they were organized?

CALLER:  Well, no, no. Not exactly why they were organized.  I just thought that the main supporters, the average Joe Schmo, obviously not the people that were in charge --

RUSH:  Okay.

CALLER:  -- themselves. I mean, they're obviously funded by George Soros.

RUSH:  Good, good, good.

CALLER:  But what I'm really getting at is after their meeting with Barack, they put out their six demands, and I don't know if you really covered that much.  I never really heard you talk about it.  I really encourage all of your listeners to get online, go on to the Black Lives Matter website, and look at their six demands because if you read these six demands, you will immediately realize that this group is a racist, communist organization that wants to do away with public property rights.

RUSH:  Exactly. I read those six items shortly thereafter to make the exact point that you are making, and to prove that it's not even about African-Americans being shot in the street. That's just the vehicle. I gotta go, though.  I have no time left.


RUSH:  A quick question here: Why is Hillary Clinton not called out to demand that she denounce the rioting and violence of Black Lives Matter?  I mean, they're her group, right?  I mean, they support her.  Why does she not get demanded to denounce 'em?


RUSH: In Charlotte the New York Times is reporting that Chief Putney said that the perp there had a weapon when he exited the vehicle.  Officers were giving loud, clear verbal commands.  The suspect exited the vehicle with a handgun threatening officers.

Now, family members of the man who was shot, Keith Scott, 43, family members said he was unarmed, he was only holding a book.  This is part of the story.  He was in the process of turning his life around.  He was gonna go back to school and he was turning his life around.  He got out of the car and he was holding a book.  But Chief Putney said at a news conference this morning that, quote, "We did not find a book at the scene."

So already we have some controversy, if you will, over this whole thing.  As I say, folks, this and Tulsa where I think the cop was white. Two white female cops in Tulsa and a African-American cop in Charlotte.  But it just seems like rioting is instantaneous in response and automatic now, seems like the standard reaction.  It's becoming expected now.

I guarantee you, I'll bet you have this thought process.  The first time you hear of a shooting incident in a city, the first thing you think of, when will the riots start, or have they?  And this wasn't supposed to be.  This isn't the way it was gonna be.  Hope and change, first African-American president, unity, postracial, postpolitical, postpartisan.  Hell, it's post-American, if it's anything.  It certainly isn't postracial.

After eight years of the Obama administration, racial tensions seem to have percolated, seem to have gotten worse, when everybody thought that they were gonna get better or even disappear.  Let me ask you, if you happen to be one of those people -- let me just do a thought exercise here.  There's no way we're gonna be able to talk about it because those of you I'm asking to think are not on the phone with me here.

Let's say you're one of the people who believe, maybe even voted for Obama on the premise with the hope that the election of an African-American president would say to everybody, would send a signal in this country and reverberate around the world that we are not racists in this country. All these people running around saying America's racist and bigoted and all that, not true.  Look what we just did.  We just elected an African-American.  How could we possibly be racist?

If you're one of those people and then you further from that, you thought that the election of Obama -- or maybe you hoped, combination of thought or hope -- that you thought it actually would mean less racial friction, strife, confrontation, whatever, if you thought that was going to happen because of the election of Obama, did you ever ask yourself how that would ha?

In other words, what would make it happen?  I'm not disputing anybody who thought that.  Don't misunderstand the tone of my voice.  But if you believed it was gonna happen did you think, okay, well, who's gonna change, then?  If the election of an African-American actually is gonna mean the end of or a major reduction in racism, how is that gonna happen?

originalNow, I don't have to answer the question because I never thought that the election of Obama was gonna mean less racism.  In fact, I thought it was gonna mean more.  I have been proven right.  I thought the election of Obama was going to increase and exacerbate racial tendencies because I understand the race hustler business.  I understand the people who don't want there to be an end to racial strife in America.  I mean, this was tiddlywinks, figure this one out.

You have the election of the first black president, if there is any criticism at all, which there will be, he's president, for crying out loud.  It doesn't matter if he's Mars, it doesn't matter whatever looks like what, he's the president of the United States and there are going to be people who disagree.  But he's not the president, see.  He's the first African-American, and I knew that the Jacksons and the Sharptons and whoever else, the Black Lives Matter, any criticism of the first black president was not to be tolerated.  It was not to even be permitted.

See, part of the deal was, the unspoken deal, the election of the first African-American president also meant you shut up whenever he does anything you don't like.  'Cause if you don't you are being racist.  And that's exactly what's happened.  And it worked in basically neutering the Republican Party.  The Republican Party became -- it didn't take long, either -- totally PTSD shell-shocked before they stopped any criticism of Obama and his policies at all.

Because here came the media, "You racist slime."  They didn't say it that directly or forcefully, but it was clear that anybody disagree with Obama, they didn't really disagree.  They just were harboring lingering anger over the fact that he won, because they're still racists at heart and that's why they can't get along.  That's the narrative they established.  And I knew it was gonna be the narrative.  I knew that this was not going to mean a positive change.  And it wouldn't have even if the first African-American had been conservative, it would have been even worse then.

Imagine the leftist, the NAALCP and the entire civil rights organizations, imagine if Clarence Thomas were president.  Imagine that whole group that now defends Obama and demands that everybody else shut up in criticizing Obama, can you imagine what they would be trying to do if it were Clarence or take your pick of any conservative who'd been elected president.  So in no case was this going to result in reduced or lessening racial tensions.

But for those of you who thought that it would, did you continue thinking about how that would happen?  If the election of the first African-American as president is automatically going to mean or hopefully going to mean a lessening of racial strife, that it's gonna get better, did you ask yourself how it was going to happen?  And if you asked yourself how it's gonna happen, you have to ask another question:  Who's gonna change?  Who is gonna change?  Because then you gotta start to say, who's to blame for it now?

If you want to acknowledge that there's racism in America, okay, fine.  The election of the first African-American president's gonna end it.  Okay, fine.  How?  Who is gonna stop being racist because Obama was elected?  In other words, the act of magic has occurred.  The rabbit's been pulled out of the hat and the first president of African-American heritage is elected.  What next?  Who has to change in order for a healing and a lessening of racial strife to begin?

I don't want to go any further than that because I'm trying to get you to think independently here of where I'm going with this.  Because it isn't magic.  But a lot of people thought it would be.  A lot of people thought, maybe hoped, that the symbolism of it all, that the photo-op, that the reality that, given our past, complete with our original sin of slavery, look now what has happened.

Okay, fine and dandy, but then that day and every day forward there's gonna be much less racial disharmony, shall we say.  Who is going to have to change in order for that to happen.  That gets kind of uncomfortable thinking about it this way, doesn't it?  If you're still with me.  I mean, if you still understand what I'm essentially asking here.  Okay.  Let me give you a specific.  First African-American president elected, does the Ku Klux Klan say, "Well it's over for us, we quit."  Does that happen?  No.  Probably quite the opposite, right?  Have to ask Sheets Byrd, but he's dead.  You get my drift.

Okay, so let's go to the Reverend Jackson.  "Reverend Jackson, we just had the first African-American president elected.  Does that mean you've accomplished your objectives and it's time to stand down?"

(imitating Jackson) "Hell, no.  What are you talking, fool.  No way."

Okay.  Reverend Jackson on Fox News did actually state he wanted to attack Obama's manhood and clip a piece of it.  So my point, somebody's gonna have to change.  It all boils down to who do you think are the racists in America, that by virtue of Obama's election are gonna automatically say, "Okay, I don't need to be a racist anymore, because the guy won."  Well, who?  How was it going to happen? You get where I'm going with this?  I hope you do. 



RUSH: The Charlotte Observer, a recount of what happened in Charlotte late last night.  "All lanes of Interstate 85 were reopened early Wednesday but still littered with debris after a night of protests over an officer-involved shooting of an African-American suspect in the University City area.  A dozen cops were injured Tuesday night in a series of clashes, and reports were coming in early Wednesday of motorists on Interstate 85 being hurt and their cars damaged when protesters threw rocks and other debris off interstate overpasses onto traffic below.

"One of the officers was hit in the face with a rock and among at least seven hospitalized due to injuries.  The Walmart on North Tyson Street was among the sites attacked and looted by protesters, and it was closed early Wednesday with wooden pallets piled in front of the doors.  Three more tractor-trailer trucks were stopped and looted, and at least two fires were started on the interstate as the protesters burned items from the trucks."

This is why I opened the program by asking: Is this now standard operating procedure?  We have a law-enforcement involved shooting, automatic riots?  In this case, the officer was black. Do you know where the officer went to school?  Liberty University.  Yeah, he went to Jerry Falwell's university, Liberty University. He played football.  Yeah, they have a football team. Oh, and the NFL, by the way? That's a whole 'nother story, the ratings are continuing to plummet.  But we'll get to that in due course.

So you have an African-American cop, a Liberty University grad and a black perp and the family says, "Hey, he was sitting in the car he was in the shade he was reading a book because he's changing his life, preparing to go back to university." The police chief said, "Hey, we didn't find a book! The guy got out of the car with a gun." The family's denying that all happened.  The riot... Nothing's real.  The riots are new normal.  Nothing is real.

Everything is what you can make people believe. If you can sell your narrative, to hell with the facts.  You know, speaking of which, I didn't know this about Dr. Phil.  Pardon my interruption of myself here.  I'll get back to it in a second.  I watched a TV show last night called Bull, and it stars Michael Weatherly who is late of NCIS.  And his character is Jason Bull, and you know what Dr. Phil did before he does what he does now?  Not jury consultant.  He actually, as a psychologist, was able to help jury selection by identifying psychological characteristics.

Look, cut to the chase.  The bottom line here: The facts, find out? We don't care.  What narrative can we establish? What story can we tell? by the way, everybody's known this about trials.  You think it's all about the evidence and innocent 'til proven guilty, you are gonna get convicted.  Trials are about they're a show now and the jury is human beings; you have to have a story. It was a fabulously show. I thought it was like a great, great show.

The subject matter was a little bit worn out.  It was a plot line that's a little bit worn out, but it's a really great new way of doing a televised crime show.  It's worth giving it a shot.  Weatherly is great in this show, too.  No, I don't know Weatherly.  I've never met him. I know a friend of a friend.  It's one of these a friend of mine knows Weatherly's dad, but I don't know Weatherly.  I mean, as a powerful, influential member of the media I should know Weatherly, but I don't.  Now, I'm not saying everything in this show Dr. Phil did.

They just used his business as the model for the character they created.  It's on CBS if you want to watch it.  But you're right: It's the narrative.  So we have competing narratives.  That's what the police chief was talking about here in the sound bite we played in the previous segment.  He said the facts are the facts.  I mean, I see the narrative they're trying to create here, but that's not what happened.  Well, Chief, you had better get ready with your narrative, because that's what Black Lives Matter is all about.

That's what the civil rights movement today is all about.  There is a narrative that existed before this event happened last night, and the narrative is: "Police forces nationwide are racists, and they are run by racists, and they love to kill black men.  Usually the police officers that do this are white, because they are racists, and they become police officers because it gives them a license to kill." So that's the narrative.

Before you have a riot, before you have a crime, before law enforcement gets involved, that's the narrative that the civil rights movement in this country is attempting to establish in the minds of as many people as they can so that when you do have an event like that last night, the first thing people are gonna conclude is, "There go the cops again shooting another black guy." That's what they want you to conclude.

So that you will then already have made up your mind before you learn the facts, because it's been established if you make up your mind before you learn the facts, the facts will not matter in changing your mind.  How else could you explain liberalism, by the way?  Facts simply don't matter.  They believe what they want to believe about, say, climate change or global warming, and you can... It doesn't matter.  The narrative has been in the process of being built since the 1980s.

Black Lives Matter is establishing a narrative here.  And, by the way, it predates Ferguson.  It may even predate a little bit Trayvon Martin. But really, really got focused with Trayvon Martin and intensified in St. Louis.  "Hands up, don't shoot" didn't happen, but yet look how many African-Americans to this day believe it did.  You've got all these clowns in the NFL (you wonder why ratings are going down?) taking a knee or raising a fist during the national anthem.

I warned 'em. I warned the NFL... We're gonna play that sound bite the next half hour.  I warned 'em and pretty much predicted this gonna happen.  So, Chief, you're gonna have to... (sigh) The sad, sad, very sad reality is that the facts, if they come in second place, they're gonna stay in second place in somebody's mind.  That's what the BLM people know and the agitators and the organizers on the left know about that.

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