Author Topic: You’re How Old? We’ll Be in Touch: Can Anything Be Done About Ageism In the Workplace?  (Read 1035 times)

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It might not seem that Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump have much in common. But they share something important with each other and with a whole lot of their fellow citizens. Both are job seekers. And at ages 68 and 70, respectively, they’re part of a large group of Americans who are radically upending the concept of retirement.

In 2016, almost 20 percent of Americans 65 and older are working. Some of them want to; many need to. The demise of traditional pensions means that many people have to keep earning in their 60s and 70s to maintain a decent standard of living.

These older people represent a vast well of productive and creative potential. Veteran workers can bring deep knowledge to the table, as well as well-honed interpersonal skills, better judgment than the less experienced and a more balanced perspective. They embody a natural resource that’s increasing: the social capital of millions of healthy, educated adults.

Why, then, are well over a million and a half Americans over 50, people with decades of life ahead of them, unable to find work? The underlying reason isn’t personal, it’s structural. It’s the result of a network of attitudes and institutional practices that we can no longer ignore.

The problem is ageism — discrimination on the basis of age. A dumb and destructive obsession with youth so extreme that experience has become a liability. In Silicon Valley, engineers are getting Botox and hair transplants before interviews — and these are skilled, educated, white guys in their 20s, so imagine the effect further down the food chain.

Age discrimination in employment is illegal, but two-thirds of older job seekers report encountering it. At 64, I’m fortunate not to have been one of them, as I work at the American Museum of Natural History, a truly all-age-friendly employer.

I write about ageism, though, so I hear stories all the time. The 51-year-old Uber driver taking me to Los Angeles International Airport at dawn a few weeks ago told me about a marketing position he thought he was eminently qualified for. He did his homework and nailed the interview. On his way out of the building he overheard, “Yeah, he’s perfect, but he’s too old.”

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I’m lucky enough to get my tech support from JK Scheinberg, the engineer at Apple who led the effort that moved the Mac to Intel processors. A little restless after retiring in 2008, at 54, he figured he’d be a great fit for a position at an Apple store Genius Bar, despite being twice as old as anyone else at the group interview. “On the way out, all three of the interviewers singled me out and said, ‘We’ll be in touch,’ ” he said. “I never heard back.”

Recruiters say people with more than three years of work experience need not apply. Ads call for “digital natives,” as if playing video games as a kid is proof of competence. Résumés go unread, as Christina Economos, a science educator with more than 40 years of experience developing curriculum, has learned. “I don’t even get a reply — or they just say, ‘We’ve found someone more suited,’ ” she said. “I feel that my experience, skill set, work ethic, are being dismissed just because of my age. It’s really a blow, since I still feel like a vital human being.”

A 2016 study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found “robust” evidence that age discrimination in the workplace starts earlier for women and never relents. The pay gap kicks in early, at age 32, when women start getting passed over for promotion.

Discouraged and diminished, many older Americans stop looking for work entirely. They become economically dependent, contributing to the misperception that older people are a burden to society, but it’s not by choice. How are older people supposed to remain self-sufficient if they’re forced out of the job market?

Not one negative stereotype about older workers holds up under scrutiny. Abundant data show that they’re reliable, handle stress well, master new skills and are the most engaged of all workers when offered the chance to grow and advance on the job. Older people might take longer to accomplish a given task, but they make fewer mistakes. They take longer to recover from injury but hurt themselves less often. It’s a wash. Motivation and effort affect output far more than age does.

Age prejudice — assuming that someone is too old or too young to handle a task or take on a responsibility — cramps prospects for everyone, old or young. Millennials, who are criticized for having “no work ethic” and “needing to have their hands held,” have trouble getting a foothold in the job market. Unless we tackle age bias, they too are likely to become less employable through no fault of their own, and sooner than they might think. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act kicks in at 40.

The myth that older workers crowd out younger ones is called the “lump of labor” fallacy, and economists have debunked it countless times. When jobs are scarce, this is true in the narrowest sense, but that’s a labor market problem, not a too-many-old-people problem.

A 2012 Pew Charitable Trusts study of employment rates over the last 40 years found rates for younger and older workers to be positively correlated. In other words, as more older workers stayed on the job, the employment rate and number of hours worked also improved for younger people.

Progressive companies know the benefits of workplace diversity. A friend in work force policy calls this the “shoe test”: look under the table, and if everyone’s wearing the same kind of shoes, whether wingtips or flip-flops, you’ve got a problem. It’s blindingly obvious that age belongs alongside race, gender, ability and sexual orientation as a criterion for diversity — not only because it’s the ethical path but also because age discrimination hurts productivity and profits.

Being part of a mixed-age team can be challenging. Betsy Martens was 55 when she landed a job as an information architect at a start-up during the heady days of the tech boom. Decades older than most of the staff, she found it invigorating. “When it came time to talk about the music we loved, the books we’d read, the movies we saw and the life experiences we’d had, we were on different planets, but we were all open-minded enough to find these differences intriguing,” she told me. Things shifted during an argument with her boss, “when he said exasperatedly, ‘You sound just like my mother.’ That was the moment the pin pricked the balloon.”

“Culture fit” gets bandied about in this context — the idea that people in an organization should share attitudes, backgrounds and working styles. That can mean rejecting people who “aren’t like us.” Age, however, is a far less reliable indicator of shared values or interests than class, gender, race or income level. Discomfort at reaching across an age gap is one of the sorry consequences of living in a profoundly age-segregated society. The Cornell gerontologist Karl Pillemer says that Americans are more likely to have a friend of a different race than one who is 10 years older or younger than they are.

Age segregation impoverishes us, because it cuts us off from most of humanity and because the exchange of skills and stories across generations is the natural order of things. In the United States, ageism has subverted it.

What is achieving age diversity going to take? Nothing less than a mass movement like the women’s movement, which made people aware that “personal problems” — like being perceived as incompetent, or being paid less, or getting passed over for promotion — were actually widely shared political problems that required collective action.

The critical starting point is to acknowledge our own prejudice: internalized bias like “I’m too old for that job,” and that directed at others, like “It’s going to take me forever to bring that old guy up to speed.” Confronting ageism means making friends of all ages. It means pointing out bias when you encounter it (when everyone at a meeting is the same age, for example).

Confronting ageism means joining forces. It means seeing older people not as alien and “other,” but as us — future us, that is.

Ashton Applewhite is the author of “This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism.”

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I know I am going to be flamed.

My wife and I own 3 companies.

Rarely hire anyone over age 45 or so.   Older people are slower, more prone to injuries, jack up health insurance cost, their ambition drops especially in their 50's. I could go on and on.

The old line they show up to work on time and are better employees is total bs- a line usually made by older employees. Crappy employees come in all ages.

Best age for employees is 25-40-found those to be most creative also.

We have a great set of employees right now average age I would say 35.

We only hire college grads or employees with some post HS education-even 2 year degrees.  Not necessarily smarter than HS grads but found out they are harder working and more ambitious generally and want more out of life.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 03:28:45 pm by mirraflake »

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Simple, the person applying for the job needs to stay ahead of the curve on technology and modern trends to be an asset to the company. Put yourself into a continual learning cycle. Just because you have a degree or two or three, doesn't mean you should stop learning. Don't dismiss trends (even if you don't like them) because they represent larger consumer demographics.

I've seen older people apply for design positions, for example, that are at least a decade behind in their knowledge of tools and design trends. Designers, for example, who's resume still list PowerPoint and Word as their strong suit and primary development tools. Gen X and older are still valued for their work ethic, but it is up to them to keep up with the technology trends of today.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 03:36:16 pm by AbaraXas »

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I know I am going to be flamed.

My wife and I own 3 companies.

Rarely hire anyone over age 45 or so.   Older people are slower, more prone to injuries, jack up health insurance cost, their ambition drops especially in their 50's. I could go on and on.

The old line they show up to work on time and are better employees is total bs- a line usually made by older employees. Crappy employees come in all ages.

Best age for employees is 25-40-found those to be most creative also.

We have a great set of employees right now average age I would say 35.

We only hire college grads or employees with some post HS education-even 2 year degrees.  Not necessarily smarter than HS grads but found out they are harder working and more ambitious generally and want more out of life.

After the economy tanked and the small company I worked for ceased to exist I spent 2+ years looking for a job, I had worked construction doing plumbing and some of a number of other trades and I ran into what you say every time. I would test high on written and oral exams, consistently told that I was in the top three or even number one in consideration and inevitably receive the "Thank you for your interest, but" letter. No one wants to hire an experienced 55+ year old into a position that they can fill with an inexperienced youngster that they can pay less and will cost them less in benefits. They are especially leery that a "seasoned" applicant will only be looking for a parking space while they continue to search for a better position, this concern was of course exacerbated with the severe economic climate. So I won't flame you, because I understood all this when I was looking for a job. but that's all behind me now, a four level cervical discectomy and fusion, three level lumbar laminectomy and upcoming total knee pretty well took working off the table.

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What's compressing things downward these days is tech, which is accelerating so fast that it is near impossible to keep up. It also makes you a fossil by age 30. Doesn't help that the age obsessed Millenials, like the Boomers at that age, think anyone over 30 is a fossil and treat you accordingly.

Perfect example was last week at work, where I stopped few a few seconds at what I was doing to do some simple stretches to keep from getting stiff. My 21 y/o coworker actually thought I was having a heart attack or stroke, literally. He literally thinks at my late 40's I'm ready for pasture, without knowing just how long my weeks are, with work being a small part of that. About the only thing he does is work out about an hour a day outside the job. If only. But that's part of what you battle out there.
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I know I am going to be flamed.

My wife and I own 3 companies.

Rarely hire anyone over age 45 or so.   Older people are slower, more prone to injuries, jack up health insurance cost, their ambition drops especially in their 50's. I could go on and on.

The old line they show up to work on time and are better employees is total bs- a line usually made by older employees. Crappy employees come in all ages.

Best age for employees is 25-40-found those to be most creative also.

We have a great set of employees right now average age I would say 35.

We only hire college grads or employees with some post HS education-even 2 year degrees.  Not necessarily smarter than HS grads but found out they are harder working and more ambitious generally and want more out of life.


Interesting.  I have the opposite experience.  Most of my people are older, 50's and to well into their 60's.  Several have retired once.   I love them!  They show up on time, dressed properly, work hard, and take less sick leave than my youngsters do.  They are self-motivated, and make wise decisions.   I've got some very good youngsters, but overall, they can't compete with the more-seasoned staff.